SEC17/W4|"Gift that can impress me." ; Having fun.

in Incredible India3 months ago

Hi Steemian Friends

Continue to work and learn to be someone who can give a little picture of life regarding explanations related to what is given so that is one of my pleasures.

It makes my heart feel happy after being able to complete one of my desires, such as finishing writing this post and in my heart, have fun...



One of the feelings of joy that exists and we can feel when a gift is given by someone sincerely and the gift is included in the favorite category.

What is the preferred gift that can impress you? The reason behind your choice.



Everyone has their own desires and that's why I do too, so if we talk about the circle of gifts, what can impress my heart? In this case, I say that the most impressive gift related to this life is the feeling of my love being accepted by the one I love without thinking twice.

It's very hard to believe if someone we don't know and we praise him, but as time goes by, we can meet in a way that we can't imagine, and in the end what is in our hearts is poured out to him and it turns out it's not in vain because of everything that what crossed my heart used to be able to come true until now in living real life.

It is truly extraordinary what God has given us because everything that happens in our lives is by God's will and being grateful for all of that is a very important thing.

Do you believe the gift is a gesture that sometimes helps to enhance our relationships?



The most beautiful gift is time where with time we can pass it well then what we want can be achieved over time so to get a gift that is very memorable and will always be the most beautiful memory, keep believing that everything will have its time and that is the most special gift.

Every relationship is good and well built so that we can feel comfort and peace of mind when we are together in getting through the days together.

Going through the twists and turns of life with other people who we never knew before and who are now our responsibility, as time goes by, this relationship will continue to improve and be interconnected with each other until they are united in one heart.

Have you ever received any gift that is still memorable to you;share if you have any stories.



Living this life with all the activities that we can do and with the feelings that we can feel, it is not impossible that we will feel or receive gifts that are very impressive until now in this life.

What is clear is that there is a gift that is very impressive for me, namely unexpected love that can be reciprocated in a beautiful way and that is a truly amazing gift in my life.

Seeing and feeling completely self-conscious that there is something that we may not be able to achieve in this life but by God's will it can happen as I have felt and impressed.

What a beautiful life we ​​have lived through so far if we can be patient, sincere and grateful for all His gifts because then whatever is given is the best for us.

That's all from me in this post, I hope it's useful for all of us, especially for myself, and don't forget to say thank you to all my friends who have read it.

I invite my friends @pea07, @rahmadvirgosa, @sualeha, happiness is always there for my friends.

Special thanks to ;

Best regards always ;


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Thank you very much.

It is very nice to know your thoughts dear and I am very happy to see your presentation and read your post. Who is not happy to see or receive a gift? She continues to feel it until we open the gift, so if the gift is something that is connected to our memories, it brings more joy. Some gifts are like a photo frame now. If we have pictures with my friends, they will give us developed them, so they are gifts, they are not words, they are a part of life, gifts strengthen our relationships, they play an important role in increasing our happiness. Thank you so much. Take good care of yourself💗


Desires never end and if you receive a gift that comes with a tag of love I consider it costlier than anything else. I have given and received in my life but most of them were mere formalities.

Quite true. Everyone have their own preference types of gifts that actually impress them. In my own case, I actually prefer gifts that is of time and services. There is a way spending time with someone can be a gift

 2 months ago 

আপনি সকল প্রশ্নের উত্তর অত্যন্ত সুন্দরভাবে দিয়েছেন। আমরা আমাদের জীবনে যে কোনও উপলক্ষে একে অপরকে উপহার দিয়ে থাকি। এটি আমাদের মধ্যে ভালবাসা এবং স্নেহ বাড়ায়। এত সুন্দর একটি পোস্ট শেয়ার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ।সুস্থ থাকবেন,ভালো থাকবেন, আপনার জন্য রইল অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা।

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