SEC-17/W6|Do you Believe History Repeats Itself?

in Incredible India2 months ago

I am pleased to participate in the last week (6) of Steemit Engagement Challenge season 17 in this community. This week's topic is an interesting one and I can't even dare to miss out. Many people are interested in history which is why we sometimes focus on documentaries, listen to testimonies and people's shared experience, read books and watch videos. Now, relating history to biological and physical aspect, the question is; Does History Repeats Itself Through Genes?

Let's find out my opinion, thoughts and experience below;

Justify Your Answer if You Believe History Repeats Itself Through Genes

Yes, I believe that history repeats itself through genes because I am a living witnessed of this. I have noticed it in people's physical resemblance, their historical culture, society and even behavior.

Personally, I grew up to observed that I have same finger nails as my father and even his mother who is my grandma has exactly as ours. This is genes coming to play and history repeats itself from generation to generation. I also know a particular family that has three generations set of twins. This is also combination of powerful genes and history.

The Habits Transfered to me from my Parents

I have many attributes which I hundred percent believe that they are from my parents; the habits of caring, hard working, respectful and being patient with things are from my mother while my Father transfered the spirit of being focused to me.


The Habits that Makes me Smile and Proud to Believe in the Proverb

Like I said earlier; I have many habits which I received from my parents and I am also very proud of them example; each time I set goals and try to work towards it with full confidence and patience, I will remember my parents and smile because those are part of their characteristics.

Does History Somehow Carries the Legacy of our Previous Generation?

Yes, history somehow carries many legacies of previous generation. Let's look at it in this point; the cultural heritage which we display in this era, the food we eat mostly the natives, the social lifestyle and the political structures were already in existence in the previous generation. Everything we are doing now has an interconnection with the previous generation.

I will invite @eliany, @mvchacin and @dove11 to join the contest. Dear @shohana1, I have just acknowledged your invitation to join the challenge. Thank you!


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Hello @adylinah hope you are having a good day ya I also think history repeats itself through genes. I also see it in how we look like our ancestors and even in families with lots of twins.

Your parents passed on qualities like hard work and caring yaa that's good, which you are happy about. These habits make you smile as you try to achieve your goals, remembering them. And yes, history carries on from past generations, shown in our culture and how we live today,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸.

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