SEC17W1 || Heaven and Hell fantasy or reality?

in Incredible India3 months ago
Assalam O Alaikum

Hello dear friends! Well come to my post. How are you all? I hope you will be doing well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I'm also fine and enjoying my day. Today I'm here to participate in this Steemit engagement challenge season 17 Week 1 in this Incredible India community. The topic of this challenge is about "Heaven and Hell fantasy or reality?" So let's start without any more delay of time.


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Do you believe there is a place named hell and heaven out of this world? Justify your beliefs.

Yes of course being a Muslim, I strongly believe in the presence of hell and heaven because it is the part of our faith. These both places are present out of this world and on the day of judgement these both places will granted to the people on the basis of their actions and deeds which they have done during the life which they have spent on the earth. Also Allah Almighty has mentioned several times about both of these places in Quran and also their presence has been proved through the Hadiths of our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW.

Allah Almighty has specified two angles which are sitting on our shoulders and they both are writing our actions which we are doing in this world. The angel sitting on our left shoulder is writing bad deeds and the one which is sitting on our right side is writing good deeds. Then on the day of judgement the records of our deeds will be shown to Almighty Allah and our deeds with be weighed. After that our hereafter life will be decided on the basis of our deeds.



Those who are pious, modest, had a fear of Allah and obeying His orders and following the teaching of His Messenger Hazrat Muhammad SAW, then those people will be sent to Paradise. Where they will live forever and enjoy their lives, there will be delicious fruits of various kinds rivers of milk and wine for them. There will be angles and princess to serve them and they will not have any trouble, pain or sorrow and they will be happy forever.

But on the other hand the people who will not follow the teachings of Allah Almighty, his prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW and those who turn away from Allah's commandments, there will be a severe punishment for such people which will in the form of hell. Where they will be given the rewards of their bad deeds and actions which they done done in their lives. And they will spend the rest of their lives in this torment.

Do you believe karma decides our future, and we get results according to the same?

Karma means actions even they are bad or good and according to karma we can will get the results of our actions in the same way. Yes if we do anything good to others then in return we will get of rewards of our that deed in a nice manner but on the other hands If we hurt others, we should also be prepared for this. If we have done something wrong to someone, we also have to pay for it even after many years. But if we apologize to him than the things may be different. I believe in that aspect of karma but regarding future I think differently. Let's share an example with you about karma.


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From the picture above you can see that "When the bird is alive, it eats ants, When the bird is dead, ants eat it." Whenever time and circumstances may change, Never degrade or hurt anyone in life. You may be powerful today but remember, time and karma is more powerful than you! One tree can produce a million fires, But one piece of fire is enough to burn a million trees. Life on earth is like waves of water they goes up and down but when they goes up destroy everything. So think carefully before hurting anyone else because today you are powerful and then in some days the things may be different and you have to pay for each of your actions.

Do you believe immortality and chasteness are some factors that affect our lifestyle? Describe.

Yes I think that the immortality and chastity can affect our lifestyle but it depends upon our religious beliefs, cultures and on our own beliefs. People may have different point of views about them but the reality is different. Just imagine if we say that our lives on the earth are immortal then what will happen? It is true that if this happens, then the fear of Allah and the fear of life after death will completely disappear. It will make the people more susceptible because they will do what ever they want and in this regard they will forget to respect the moral values of each other.



And they will not even think of harming each other because they will be convinced that they will not have to pay for their actions, which will lead them to wrongdoing. In this way the rate of crimes will increase in the whole world. But on the other hand the chastity will keep us keep us away from all these things. This is because everyone will respect each other and also respect ones believes and thinking as well. So seeing all these things we can say that the chastity and immortality has a great influence on our lifestyles.


So friends that was my entry about that challenge and I hope you will enjoy reading it. Now it is a time to say goodbye to everyone and I want to invite my friends @abdul-rakib, @dove11, @hudamalik20, @nooruleman to take a part in this amazing challenge.


Written by @abdullahw2


Thanks All 💗


Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You have given us here a very nice explanation to the topic. You said that yes a Muslim, we all strongly believe in the presence of hell and heaven because it is the part of our faith. Ofcourse this is true and I completely agree with you here.

It's true too that these both places are present out of this world and on the day of judgement these both places will granted to the people on the basis of their actions and deeds. Heaven and hell concept is based on this statement you have said here.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

Thank you so much bro for visiting my post and leaving a beautiful comment. I really appreciate your kind words 🤗.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the concept of heaven and hell. I believe that heaven and hell are part of our faith as Muslims, and it's true that they exist beyond this world. On Judgment Day, people get them based on what they've done.

best of luck for the contest 🌸
May Allah grant you success and blessings as well.

Hello dear friend I'm very happy to read a beautiful comment. And thank you so much for giving your precious time to my post. Have a great day 😊

Have a wonderful day too! 😊

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.

Curated by : @dasudi

Thank you so much dear @dasudi friend for your love and support ☺️

 3 months ago 

You have a strong belief at the concept of karma so it indicates that you believe that whatever you are doing today would be the future of you definitely and for describing it that's great you use real image in which we can see that there is a bird who is a prey of ant and when he is dead the ant are prey of that bird. So this is a great illustration you have described.

I wish you much success keep growing with same consistency

Yes that's true brother...
Thank you so much for a lovely comment 🥰

Our activities are meticulously taped, forming our destiny in the immortality. Excellent acts bring about heaven, while disobedience leads to misery. In a similar way fate shows the repercussions of our activities both excellent and also negative, affecting our existing and also future.

 3 months ago 

Dear @abdullahw2, your views on the existence of heaven and hell, as well as the concept of karma, are truly interesting and enriching. Your faith and commitment to your belief is beautifully expressed in your words. I wish you with all my heart good luck in this competition. Your well-detailed comments and thoughtful approach are valuable assets. Continue sharing your inspiring ideas with the community. You are making a meaningful contribution to the discussion, and I hope you will continue to do so in the future.

I know some people who didn't receive back the evil they did to others and some good people who face lots of challenges from the wrong they never did. My question is this: Did Karma served a good justice here? I enjoyed your writing, it's quite interesting.

As a Muslim, you firmly believe in the existence of these places based on the teachings of Islam. The concept of heaven and hell is a fundamental part of our faith, with Quranic verses and Hadiths supporting their existence. On the Day of Judgement, our actions will determine our fate in the afterlife, whether we will be rewarded with paradise or punished in hell. The belief in karma also influences our future, as our deeds, whether good or bad, will have consequences. Immortality and chastity play a role in shaping our lifestyles, affecting our moral values and behaviors towards others. It is important to uphold these principles to maintain a harmonious society.

Your ideologies are seen in your article as you highlighted that you believe in heaven and hell too, you are of the opinion that there are w angels on our left and right shoulders respectively taking notes of our good and bad deeds and on the judgement day, it would be weighed and we would be judged too. I enjoyed your thoughts and success in the challenge my dear friend

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