How to Generate New Ideas and Be Creative

in LifeStyle3 years ago

We often hear phrases such as: "This task requires new ideas", "We must be more creative!", "We must think differently." Such requirements can drive into a stupor any, even the most creative person. The very creative thinking begins to falter, when we are asked to be creative.

Not sure where to get ideas from? How to find the right solution for your projects? How to solve the problems standing in the way of your goals?

Creativity is thinking outside the box. In my opinion, a skill that everyone needs in any field. Moreover, each person is creative to one degree or another, it is genetically inherent in us. Thanks to a different angle of view, you can expand your capabilities and see what you have not noticed before. And the very first important thought is simple:"To be creative, you have to think and act as if you were already creative." Not so difficult, but ... how about?


Train your mind daily. Set a quota of so many new ideas per day for your job, such as five ideas a day for one week. You will see that it is most difficult to give out the first five, then they will come to mind on their own. The more ideas you put forward, the more chances you have of winning.

Try to program changes in your daily life. Make a list of what you are doing in a once and for all routine. For the most part, it will include minor, habitual activities that make life comfortable and enjoyable. Then take a list of habits, study and try to consciously change them one by one during the day, week, month ... For example, take a different route to work, do things with your left hand, etc.

I thought - write it down!Ideas quickly fly out of my head, especially before going to bed, when you think that in the morning you will definitely remember. People who can come up with great ideas are able to break the problem at hand into simple pieces, and then re-combine them into different complex structures.

An informational diet is bad for the brain. Creative people absorb new information like a sponge - and then use it to generate ideas. Read as many books and magazines as possible, such as biographies of famous people and professional literature on topics that are new to you. Perhaps you can find inspiration or an unexpected solution to the problem in the astronaut's manual or cactus growing guide!

Analyze information... Stay on top of trends: Keep a close eye on what is happening in business, politics and culture. Participate in conferences and seminars. If you find yourself in a new country or city, flip through the local newspapers and watch a few TV programs. Look for patterns in what you see and hear.

The book presents various techniques for developing thinking. If you have an idea for creating a new product or improving an old one, be sure to run it through the tasks in the book.

Question everything.What was believed to be true yesterday may turn out to be false tomorrow. If you think a common statement is wrong, try to prove it.

Iceberg in the desert: inversion of settings.Try to completely change your thinking pattern. A hotel without beds? School without lessons? A car without wheels? These seemingly strange ideas can be turned into successful realistic projects.

Incubator: Postpone the search for a solution. If the task seems too difficult for you, postpone the search for a solution. But not immediately, but after the preparatory work. Formulate the problem clearly, collect information, give your subconscious mind the direction to find a solution - and switch to other things. After a few hours, days, or months, you might be struck by a brilliant idea, or you might see a hint to help solve your problem.


To the last screw: divide the problem into parts.A new task or project is always daunting. This fear is easy to overcome: you just need to present the problem in the form of components. Some of them are already familiar to you!

Tank and turtle: search for analogies. Finding similarities between seemingly unrelated objects is one of the most productive ways to generate unique ideas. This method will require you to be observant and focused when looking for similarities between objects and phenomena. Perhaps you will find a solution to a problem or come up with a new product by studying the structure of the baobab?

Merging: Imagine yourself in someone else's place. Let's say your company makes bags. Feel like a bag: in order to completely "merge" with the object, imagine his feelings and thoughts. This exercise may seem pointless, but it helps you look at a product or service from a new perspective.



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I agree with writing them down. I sometimes can come up with an idea but it differs on the situation. There are times that it just instantly comes up whether because I am happy or hurt because of something.

This post has received a 17.3 % upvote from @boomerang.

I definitely agree with writing down ideas especially those that pop into your head before you sleep and very early when you wake up from bed.

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