Gym and healthy life! MY MOTIVATION FOR YOU!

in LifeStyle3 years ago

Hi guys, today I want to inspire some of you to start working on yourselfs. So I choose some photos of me training in the gym:


Trust me, sports are very important in your life, any kind of sports... For example: When I start working on myself I become to feel very strong and very happy either. I dont know why, but it is true. Sports will change your life. Not even your life, they will change your health and you will be more healty than you were. Beside that you will start seeing changes on your body. You will start gaining muscularity and your body weight will increase. Here you go, some photos of me:


When I was younger I was very skinny, but now I am satisfied with my body weight, but of course there is more space for improvment.


Like most of people I don't like to train legs, but now I started forcing legs much more than I did. My upper body is much more better than my lower body, but never mind I will change that, I will give my best. I would love you guys to give your best too. Trust me, start doing some sports and your life will change!


Give your best all the time!


After a hard training you will need some sorts of regenerations, for example BCA protein which I am using. This one tastes like blueberry. But if you don't want to waste your money, or if you are broke at the moment, it does'nt mean that you dont need to workout or that you are working out fo nothing.

Keep grinding and you will become what you want!

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