People of Earth Season 2 Review

in LifeStyle3 years ago

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Having absolutely loved People of Earth's first season, I dived into the second season with a few worries: would the series maintain its quality? Would it introduce characters that simply do not fit in the story established thus far?

Once again, People of Earth successfully surprised me with its excellent writing and unique approach to telling a story with comedy being the main element; although it doesn't primarily focus on making the viewer laugh at least once per minute.

The second season focuses on the other character a little more, given Ozzie was the main focus in the first season: the story essentially rolls around his childhood and experience with aliens, and coming to terms with that experience. Season 2 ditches that part of the narrative to remind us that the other characters are just as interesting and important, telling us who they are and how their experiences have affected their daily lives.

By far, my favourite character of the show isn't even human: Don is an alien with a liking to humans, his heart is forever in the right place, and his attempts to fit in with others tend to result in awkwardness and misconceptions. Don, while being an alien that is testing his subjects, feels for them and constantly wants to aid them by pushing them in the right directions in life; being the secretive holder of answers to their life-long questions.

People of Earth is clearly character-driven, and its comedy is simply a bonus added to those character's personalities. It's a well-made show that I hope to continue to recommend to all.

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