Visualizing a Better World: Life Beyond COVID-19 & Gratitude

Yes, we are undoubtedly all finding the pervasiveness of COVID-19 in the news and in everything around us to be somewhat of a drag on our spirits and attitude.

I suppose it would be easy to say that we could just "turn it all off" and spend our lives in meditation, but I would submit that finding a measure of balance is a more appropriate and conscious approach.


Much as I'd love to think otherwise, can't just "visualize this thing away," and our lives may depend on being at least a little bit informed.

What We CAN Control

What often frightens people the most is the reality that we have no control over what's going to happen.

True as that might be, we can control how we respond to the situation! Nobody is forcing us to sit in front of our computers or televisions, being hypervigilant as we scan for every tiny new detail that might add to our fear.

When you are also highly empathic, it can be difficult to step away from the fear... but it bears remembering that the fear we are feeling is often not our own, but echoes of the collective energy of the greater world.


Keep this in mind, when you feel like you are starting to spin out of control.

I have found it quite helpful to find a quiet place and think about the things I really want to do, once it becomes safe to go back out into the world.

It is a wonderful exercise, because it also helps us pinpoint those things we are truly grateful for, in our lives. The things we really miss tend to be the things we really value, and thus things we do well to remember to express our gratitude for.

What is on YOUR list?

Bright Blessings, and stay safe, wherever you are!

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The White Light Express Mission Statement:

Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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