Mental Health: Using the Quarantines as an Opportunity for Healing

Without a doubt, it has been very challenging for very many people to deal with living under various types of quarantine situations, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

For many, having to spend that much time with themselves as company has been a new experience.


The challenge is looking at "what remains," when we are NOT able to constantly distract ourselves from "being alone with our thoughts" because we have so many external distractions we engage ourselves in.

The question arises of just how much we actually like and want those distractions, and how much we are actually (subconsciously) using them as a mechanism to not have to look at our own "stuff."

In the course of the past couple of months, I have spoken to many who have turned out to be less bothered by the actual pandemic and the endless news stories than they are by the reality of having so much time to "look inward."


But this is really an opportunity to take a long hard look at unaddressed issues from our past, and to look at what sorts of "busy-ness" we engage in to avoid these old issues.

Much healing can be found in simply gaining awareness of unhealthy patterns we have fallen into, and then asking the question of whether or not the situation we have tried to avoid is even applicable, anymore.

Often, we are carrying around patterns and behaviors that are related to our upbringings, or past relationships... and they actually have little to do with our current lives!

Don't be afraid to sit with these thoughts.

As one of my Teachers pointed out, many years ago "Often our THOUGHTS about a thing are far scarier than the THING, itself!"

Bright Blessings, and stay well!

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The White Light Express Mission Statement:

Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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I agree. When this first happened, my hyper mobile conspiracy mind immediately was dejected by how humanity literally seemed to roll over at the drop of a hat from these psychopaths claiming to be “authorities”...but slowly, I started to realize that this was in fact a blessing because, like you said, now its time to go inside. I try to do it when I can, but I slip. Now there is no excuse to slip.

We can only hope that one of the outcomes might be a bit of a rebirth in Critical Thinking.

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