Healing Our World: The Importance of the Middle Way!steemCreated with Sketch.

As we wander through this thing called "Life," it seems like the world is filled with news and stories of extremes.

Whether it's simply because they make better news or the world truly is becoming more polarized, I can't help but worry about extremist perspectives, and the near-fanatical fervor exhibited by the proponents of such ways. We see it in politics, we see it in religion; we even see it closer to home.


It is sad to talk to a friend who not only adheres to an "extreme" philosophy in life, but to hear them say that choosing a way of moderation is — in their eyes — not having an opinion, at all!

Whereas there is little doubt that radical new perspectives can bring about change, as often as not they are like firecrackers thrown into a barrel of fuel: There is noise, a big explosion, followed by lot of destruction... before everything returns to normal.

Of course, a large part of the problem with holding a fiery extreme point of view on How To Live One's Life is that the underlying heated passion anger tends to lead to poorly formed spur-of-the-moment decisions that often turn out to be less than ideal.


If you think about your own life, how many "brilliant choices" have you managed to make, "in the heat of the moment?" We tend to be in a place of reactivity rather than responsiveness when we're all fired up about a cause, an ideal; something that's a radical departure from the norm.

It may, indeed, feel very empowering in the moment, but typically what follows is a long period of trying to put things back together after they were torn down and destroyed.

As a wise person once told me: "Burning your house down WILL get rid of the termites, but now you have no place to live!"

It may not be the world's greatest metaphor, but hopefully you get the point.

So, I suggest learning to incorporate a middle way into your life. Sure, it may not sound terribly exciting, but gradual changer tends to be more sustainable than sudden explosions!

Thanks for reading, and Bright Blessings to all!

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