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RE: On Family History And Lifestyle Choices

I think it has come up so much for me for a few reasons. I came of age in a neighborhood rather rife with drugs and booze, so it was everywhere and me not joining in was noted. I somehow always fall in with a stoner crowd? LOL. We tend to vibe in the crunchy granola hippies way and it's just that I don't consume. And finally, I come off as a goody two shoes. I don't know why, tbh - people act shocked when I swear, which is hilarious because I swear all the time. So I cause a lot of confusion I guess because people are expecting Jesus Loves Me but they're getting a sober Pagan who cusses like a sailor. The Pagan part is a huge point of confusion for people, too, because they literally think we're all having drugged out sex rituals and sacrificing living creatures (for the record, I have never done that or seen anyone do that, lol. But I have been asked if I do). So apparently I just send very confusing signals, and it gets commented upon. Nobody ever reads me for queer either, but I am queer as a snowstorm in July. 😂

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