Building a toll road project in Aceh || banda aceh || Membangun proyek jalan toll di aceh || banda aceh ||

in Steem Geography4 years ago


Our work today is ready, we have only a few days left at the Banda Aceh toll road, because soon the holidays are almost here, and now we are starting to work overtime, nights and days so we can finish quickly.


Kerja kami hari ini sudah siap, tingal beberapa hari lagi kami di toll banda aceh ini, karna tidak lama lagi hari raya hampir tiba, dan sekarang kami mulai berkerja lembur, malam dan hari biar cepat selesai.


We work on this toll road to build a bridge on the toll road, in the past few months we have made about 20 bridges that have been completed, now this bridge is used to pass the people around it because every toll road cannot enter two wheels. .

Kami kerja di toll ini bagian membuat jembatan yang ada di toll, dalam beberapa bulan lalu kami sudah membuat sekitar 20 jembatan yang sudah jadi,, nah jembatan ini adalah kegunaanya untuk melewati orang-orang sekitar karna di setiap jalan tol tidak bisa masuk roda 2 ..


Well, but this month we made quite a lot of it from the past months, because now the weather is pretty good, it's not like before the weather is not supportive, namely rain and others ..

Nah tapi bulan ini lumayan banyak kami membuatnya dari bulan-bulan yang lalu, karna sekarang cuacanya lumayan bagus, tidak seperti dulu cuacanya tidak mendukung yaitu hujan dan lainnya..


Some of my friends have gone home early because the holiday is almost here and they rushed home, and we are just a few more people here ..

Beberapa teman-teman saya sebagian sudah pulang duluan karna hari raya hampir tiba dan merekapu bergegas pulang, dan kami disini tinggal beberapa orang lagi..


Some of us work as construction workers, and some are in electricity, they said now we have to really work because soon we will return to our hometowns ..

Sebagian dari kami bekerja sebagai kuli bangunan, dan sebagian kelistrikan , kata mereka sekarang kita harus sungguh-sungguh kerjanya karna tak lama lagi kita pulang ke kampung halaman masing-masing..


The atmosphere on the toll road is now getting lonely from the first month of fasting, some of them go home, that's why it's quiet in the field, and our plan is before we go home and the 5th holiday we come back and work as usual ..

Suasana di jalan toll sekarang sudah mulai sepi dari bulan puasa pertama mereka sebagian pulang, makanya di lapangan sudah sepi, dan rencana kami sebelum hari raya kami pulang dan hari raya ke 5 kami balik lagi dan kerja seperti biasanya..


So many posts from me about the toll road project, may Allah make it easier for us to make our fortune and I hope we are always healthy and successful everywhere ..

Sekian postingan dari saya tentang proyek jalan toll ,semoga Allah permudahkan rejeki kita dan semoga kita sehat selalu dan sukses di mana saja..

 4 years ago (edited)

Great pictures my friend!! Please remember to give details of the camera or mobile phone used! Anyway, I loved your post!

Thank you for sharing in Steem Geography! Your post has been selected for today as part of the Steemit Communities support Program.
I appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.

I’d love to hear more from you!!

Geography (10).png

 4 years ago 

Thank you friend @belenguerra for the information ... I am very happy ...

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