world's Environment day 2021 || Hosted by pakistan || lets make our environment clean and green🌴🌳🌫️

in Steem Geography3 years ago


hello steemians hope you all are doing well in your lifes along with your families. may Allah protect you and your family and bless them a happy life in future.

pakistan hosting world environment day this year 2021:

This year, the theme of World Environment Day is


  • this year the world environment fourm hosting is given to Pakistan and we are so proud to take part in that. worlds environment is very important issue in the ongoing era of the life. we should all contribute to this effort and make this earth clean and green.
  • lets we all promise together that we shall fight for the best worlds ecosystem so that our comming generatios will do this after us.


  • for so much time we all have been destroying the world and our earth at very high rate we shoud all do efforts to make this possible that we should stop all the exploiting cause.

  • we lost to manh forest's every year in the whole world.we should do some motives that everyone after seeing this will do this

  • almost 50 to 60% of the world coral plants have been destroy by the climate change we should stop this climate change so that we could cover up this lose.


Grow more trees:

  • wr should grow more and more trees because trees provide more better and clean and green environment to the earth.
  • everyone should at leats grow one tree in a week so that we could make it possible to a green ecosystem in the pakistan
    We must now fundamentally rethink our relationship with the living world, with natural ecosystems and their biodiversity and work towards its restoration..


what is an ecosystem?

  • a community os that plants and animals interact each other and also with there own faimly there are also so many non living environments like aire,water,soil,and land.

  • we should plant more than required trees tonmake this circle to continue. we all should provide the required article to make them the ecosystem relatable.


Why World Environment Day is Celebrated??

  • the main reason to celebrate this day is that to make this sure and remember that the earth environment is very important to live for both human being and animals we have to make that sure we will not make that environment danger for the others.

  • every year the theme of the celebration os different and is been celibrat according to that these these themes means to put full importance to every aspect of the environment.

  • its is also celebrate to ensure that how important it is to make the environment safe and clean to live a good and healthy life.

  • encouraging people to make your srouding clean for only to live a good and healthy life for you no body else could do it for you.


what promises we have to make to ourselves::

we have to make some of decisions with us to make this environment green and clean to live health and sound full life. we should teach our childrens as well to care about the importance of the the good environment for our future generations.

  • lets make this promise that we have to make everything assure that there is #onlyoneearthnand we have to keep it clean all the way through out


this article is plagiarism free i write my own thoughts and get help from this and give proper source nof all the the photos

at the special mention to🌳🥳


 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing in Steem Geography! Your post has been selected for today as part of the Steemit Communities support Program.
I appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.

I’d love to hear more from you!!

Geography (10).png

 3 years ago 

Si todos tenemos que hacer esa promesa de mantener limpio nuestro planeta porque es nuestra casa, que bien que Pakistán acogerá el día mundial del ambiente y si debemos hacer pequeñas cosas para mejorar las condiciones de nuestro ambiente por eso debemos celebrar siempre este día ya que es un recordatorio.
#affable #venezuela

 3 years ago 

de hecho, amigo mío, se convierte gota a gota en el océano. De la misma manera, si todos hacen su parte para mantener limpio el medio ambiente, esta tierra se verá como el cielo en la tierra.
tienes razón tenemos que hacer promesas

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