Contest Announcement!!! Street Contest - Let Us know About Your Street | Anuncio del concurso !!! Concurso callejero - Háganos saber sobre su calle

in Steem Geography3 years ago

Hello wonderful steemians.
I will like to say good morning from me and Nigeria.
I am really glad to be part of this wonderful contest this week.
I will say another week and anther great contest.
All thanks to @bright-obias for Yet another wonderful contest.

This is indeed a really wonderful contest that gets us to talk/express more about ourselves and also get to showcase to the world the beauty of our various countries.
As the name implies # STREET CONTEST this gives us the opportunity to explore our various community, town, countries and the various Areas where we live.
Most of us find our street so interesting that we are willing to share interesting facts about it but haven't been given the opportunity but here it is at a platter of gold on our laps.
I will like to say a big thank you once more to @bright-obias for this opportunity and the various #steemgeography Admins and executive boards in persons of @belenguerra, @@@badsha1, @britht-obias and others not mentioned here.


To the main topic of the day.

Every street has that one thing that it is noted for.
The name of my street is called OGARWAY STREET it is named after a plaza owner at the very entrance of the street.
This street is at Obudu Local government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria.
it is on the address No.22 Hospital Road, Obudu.


This street is quite know for its quite nature but I wouldnt advice you take it for that quite nature. for there is a saying that goes "Quite but dangerous".
There are things that happens around this place or at this place that are sometimes not really good but all the same we are already use to it and that is something that borders me most.

This place is been kept so busy by the OGARWAY PLAZA & THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Exactly Opposite the street.
It gets really busy during sundays and when there is an ongoing program in the church. but outside the church programs the place is really always busy thou. Just picture a typical drinking bar a place where people go in and out, different kinds of persons with different kind of problems.
It is known that it is at this place that majority of all the town bad boys come to camp and this is really a bad omen reason been that when most are drunk they began to misbehave and this normally lead to riots that ends up involving the police.

The recent one that happened I was so lucky to not come at the very time it all went down, I was opportune to go work at a friends place and at past 10pm at night when I was on my way back. When I got there the place was so quite than the usual my mind told me something had happened but I just took it lightly not until a friend of mine leaving at the same place came out and told me that there was a fight between different cult groups that even led to the use of guns.

It is true every street has its PROS, but for my street it isn't traffic but fighting.
This fighting has been a routine but lately it is kind of not so serious thou.
it has been reduced drastically I don't really know how it happened but things are just quite lately and this is really good for business and habitation.

Even the OGAWAY PLAZA do suffer from the effect of this fight and most times he close down for days most times he close before the scheduled or normal closure time for him.

it is kind of comforting to know that things are really quite and going smoothly lately.


If the usual is to come back it is really disturbing and heartbreaking, parents crying for the safety of their children we the students here are afraid for our own lives and trying to shield ourselves by hiding for our lives in the four walls of our various houses.
Even at the hiding, the noise of the gun short is still very not encouraging.
But I am happy things are taking shape already.

The problem of my street is just the FIGHTING
it is disturbing and troubling to stay in the convenience of your home and still fear for your life.

For tackling this problem my suggestions are stated below;

First of all I will like to say the community heads should organize vigilant committees to keep watch over such areas like mine

Also, I will like to suggest the community heads employ the services of police officers to help keep things in one accord.

They should try to be an engagement committee/or some work forces to keep boys engaged and less busy

The community head should meet with the state Governor to see that small companies are established to create job opportunities for the youths. This will keep their mind occupied and too busy to think about something else for idle minds are the devils workshop




Nice article about the OGARWAY STREET in your state. It was a wonderful read from you. Fighting is really a factor that should be giving attention to as it can lead to loss of life and other tragic situation. Thank you for the measures you brought to eradicate fighting in your street, and thank you for participating on the contest. Have a nice day..

 3 years ago 



 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you for sharing in Steem Geography! Your post has been selected for today as part of the Steemit Communities support Program.
I appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.
I’d love to read more from you!!


 3 years ago 

Thanks Alot sir I really appreciate you for this.

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