The Illusion of Passive Income!

in Account Booster 👍2 years ago

Every day how many posts are you come across that say, earn some easy money just by inventing a few dollars or sit back and earn. When I was new to crypto, it used to confuse me so many times. Because of so many tokens, coins, projects, and all. I used to think that doing this and that in different places will earn me some good money.

No need to say I was wrong. But there are still many who are taking the same path to this day. I would say, people are victims of this illusion we create - the illusion of passive income.

I can remember when I joined Hive, people used to say it's so easy here to earn money. You just post daily, no need to invest, and you will get votes. Well, look at my profile. Does this seem lucrative to you?

image source

The 'passive income' concept is itself entirely and insidiously destructive. There's no such thing as earning money doing nothing. Even if you invest a good amount of money, you still have to spend a good amount of time and effort to make it happen.

Need example?

Look at the projects around crypto, the stock market, and the nft platform. The list is long.

Just yesterday, I came across a new project claiming the same. Earn easily without doing much. When I dig deep I realized, there was a chance to earn. Do you know how much? Maybe a couple of dollars by doing nothing. But after that, you have to invest. Honestly, why people will throw their hard-earned money into building a platform to let others earn money so easily.

It's all illusion.

Now the question is, how can you save yourself from this illusion?

  • First thing first, don't fall for the easy money, especially the digital dollar.

  • Don't spend your time on something that offers too little like $0.50 after putting in a good amount of effort. That's another kind of scam.

  • Before investing, look thoroughly at how much the return and what's the risks. Most of the time, the project will show its back.

  • Look for good projects to invest in rather than earning some easy money.

Again, I would like to remind you that there's no such this as 'easy money'. Passive income sounds very desirable. But the truth is, you have to work hard to earn that. Passive income is totally possible but that's not us people like me or you who are broke. If you already established a business, if you have enough money to invest somewhere, if you are putting much effort into some projects, if you are a creative person and have an income chain, only then does it sound legit. If you have none, I'm here to pop your bubble.

My advice is to resist the temptation of solely working towards ‘passive income’ rather than spend more time on earning it.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


The main problem with the so called passive income is the temptation...
The idea of getting every day or week or month some money for doing nothing sounds just too good.

Understandable as usually money can only be earned by investing time/money/skills/stuff.
So there´s the temptation to skip that und get the money without much effort.

The less money people have the more interesting are some bucks for free.
And so they step into the trap and in the end they invest the little they have - and loose it all.

And so the people who set up the trap will get the money....

(Nearly) Nobody will give away money without asking you for something in return....

Keep your head up, watch out, don´t let them ripp you off.
Stick to your plan and keep on keeping on!

I 100% agree with you. Nobody is giving money to me. And people who are not lazy are working to get it. On the other hand, some like to think that some easy money can make them rich which is never possible. Thanks for sharing your words.

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