SIn and play Week 137 cover de "The short space" by @danieldedosd2

in Dance and music show3 years ago (edited)

poesia steemit 7.jpg

      Friends of Sing and Play, it is a great pleasure for me to present you this beautiful song by the great Cuban composer Pablo Milanés "The brief space" this song has very particular lyrics, in it the author reflects the relationship of a subject with his wife who prefers to keep it as a couple even sharing it with another. The phrase I prefer shared, rather than emptying my life is crucial and has resonated for many years accompanied by guitars and orchestras in masterful voices ... I hope I have created a cover worthy of the wonderful audience of #steemit. Greetings to @donatello, creator of this community ... God bless and protect you always.

The short space

Author: Pablo Milanés

There are still traces of moisture
Its smells already fill my loneliness
In bed his silhouette
Which promise is drawn
To fill the short space
In which it is not
I still don't know if it will come back
Nobody knows, the next day, what he will do
Break all my schemes
He does not confess a penalty
He does not ask me for anything in exchange for what he gives
It is usually violent and tender
It does not speak of eternal unions
But it is delivered as if there were
Just one day to love
Don't share a meeting
The more he likes the song
That compromises your thinking
Don't ask "will you stay?"
I am very afraid of the answer of a "never"
I prefer it shared
Before emptying my life
It is not perfect, but it comes closer
What I just dreamed of
It is usually violent and tender
It does not speak of eternal unions
But it is delivered as if there were
Just one day to love
Don't share a meeting
The more he likes the song
That compromises your thinking

      Amigos de Sing and Play es un gran placer para mi presentarles esta hermosa canción del gran compositor cubano Pablo Milanés "El breve espacio" este tema tiene una letra muy particular, en ella el autor refleja la relación de un sujeto con su mujer que prefiere conservarla como pareja aun compartiéndola con otro. La frase la prefiero compartida, antes que vaciar mi vida es crucial y ha resonado desde hace muchos años acompañado de guitarras y orquestas en voces magistrales... Espero haber creado un cover digno del maravilloso público de #steemit. Un saludo a @donatello, creador de esta comunidad... Dios los bendiga y proteja siempre...

El breve espacio

Autor: Pablo Milanés

Todavía quedan restos de humedad
Sus olores llenan ya mi soledad
En la cama su silueta
Se dibuja cual promesa
De llenar el breve espacio
En que no está
Todavía yo no sé si volverá
Nadie sabe, al día siguiente, lo que hará
Rompe todos mis esquemas
No confiesa ni una pena
No me pide nada a cambio de lo que da
Suele ser violenta y tierna
No habla de uniones eternas
Mas se entrega cual si hubiera
Sólo un día para amar
No comparte una reunión
Mas le gusta la canción
Que comprometa su pensar
Todavía no pregunte «¿te quedarás?»
Temo mucho a la respuesta de un «jamás»
La prefiero compartida
Antes que vaciar mi vida
No es perfecta, mas se acerca
A lo que yo simplemente soñé
Suele ser violenta y tierna
No habla de uniones eternas
Mas se entrega cual si hubiera
Sólo un día para amar
No comparte una reunión
Mas le gusta la canción
Que comprometa su pensar


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