Who is a professional Teacher?

in Steem4Professionals3 months ago (edited)



Hello steemian,how are you guys feeling today,I hope yo all are doing great,I will like to share about professional teacher.

What is your definition of professional teacher?

In my own definition, a professional teacher is someone who has undergone some training and had received different kinds of certification in the field of education, this are people who is learned and can be able to share their knowledge to other. This professional has a strong understanding in the art and science of teaching, professional teacher are typically passionate about teaching and shares their knowledge to their students.
They also have good communicating skill, this makes them communicate with their students cry well. Professional teacher are sometimes willing to adapt all teaching methods in order to meet the needs of their students. They are lifelong learner's, constantly seeking for education,to improve their skills and knowledge.
They are also often seen as a role model to their students, they are those people who can teach their students in the way they will understand. This people have passion for teacher.


How do we differentiate a professional teacher from those who are in the field for just the salary.

There are very big difference between a professional teacher and a teacher s who are in the field just for money. A professional teacher must be committed to the students,and try their possible best to make sure that their students learn something form them, but a person who is in the field for just salary will not be able to communicate with their students well, they may come and teach and go, just to make sure they attended the class or lecture.
Also a professional teacher is passionate about teaching and view their profession more than just a job , they have the urge to put their students need above there own. Professional teacher seek out opportunities to improve their knowledge and always looking for a way to become a better teacher, but a person who is in the field just for the salary wouldn't mind searching for additional knowledge, they only teach and collect salary.

What are the criteria for becoming a professional teacher?

A professional teacher must have a teaching certification and license as well as a degree in education. Also a professional teacher must have a demonstrated commitment to their profession, a desire and passion for teaching, they must also have a positive impact on their students, communicating with them effectively, in order to help them reach their potential.
A professional teacher work together with other staffs to ensure that their students receive the best education they needed. Lastly, a professional teacher is dedicated to the students, creating an environment that is welcoming for their students.


Do you think those who are there for salary can offer same thing with professional who has passion for their work.

I think no, because a teacher who is motivated by salary maybe less likely to go beyond their work, because they always view their job as way to earn money,than as opportunity to make impact in the lives of their students. Those who are in the field for salary may not be dedicated to their students learning to improve their success in studies, unlike a professional teacher who will be committed to the students, putting their extra effort required to impact on their students positively.
A teacher who only needs their salary will just come to work each day, teach and go without making sure their students acquired knowledge from them, but a professional teacher care about their students and want to help them succeed.

What is your say /experience about this two in the field?

I had experience with a professional teacher in my secondary School day, we had this teacher called Mrs onyeka , she is a social studies teacher, this teacher love her students an wanted the best for us them, she cares about us and wanted us to succeed, she always do her possible best in order to see that we learnt something from her,this also make us to be committed to her, so l will like to say that Mrs onyeka is more consider as a professional teacher and anyone who wants to engage in teaching professional should have passion got the professional, not engaging in the field for just the salary.

Thanks for reading my post.

I will like to invite @impersonal, @ekemini01, @steemqueeen to participate in this contest.


@tipu curate


This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.


Thank you for inviting me to participate. I don't find enough energy to participate in all.

In regards to Education the best quote we always mention is that

Education is the manifestation of the perfection that is already within you.

I personally feel the knowledge of an professional teacher is description of peace among his or her students. Students should not feel low in the process of learning. They should not feel any dearth of knowledge comparing their knowledge level with their teacher.

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