The creative month of October ... The symbol of Halloween ...

in DLIKE4 years ago

When you look back, just for the sake of art, of the process of creativity, you'll realize that actually your life was/is/will be very creative, fullfilled with abundance ...

Most of us, the artists, tend to think like this, right? It's a healthy concept, but, when we face times like these ones, somehow you start to reflect twice, if, the Future will really look with an awesome patina, like a photo does ...

I've thought to reflect a little bit on this month of October, that just passed by this year, like it did every year and to present you some little creative photos i did around this period of Halloween, which in my opinion, should be the symbol of the month of October ...


It was the Night after Halloween ...

How would you expect the Spirit of the Golden Father Eon that would visit you on that Night?

Would you be like Mr.Scrooge or like Jedi Yoda?

While you would sit in your armchair, in front of your fireplace, enjoying a croissant and a tea, how would you react to the visit of The Golden Father of Time, which is traveling always through Eons ... and especially right now, he would be more than happy to pay a visit to every encrypted Soul of this New Earth ...


Along with him, there would be his Halloween Squad, leaded by Sir Crypto Squash and his R2D2 chivalry, which would bring with them the Old Sacred Spirit of Halloween ...

What an impressive entrance from another Dimension, this would be ... The Knightwood of the R2D2 chivalry ...


They will bring the secret ritual of the well known, "Trick or Treat" and through Jedi Yoda's wisdom they will receive the latest knowledge from this planet, since they've been for ages, inside another Dimension ...

Imagine that Jedi Yoda, would be served by a R2D2 knight, with the eternal liqueur made with aventurine crystal and it will served on a copper chalice ...

Maybe this kind of a visit from another dimension, would be an awesome things, especially if you know these ancestral entities. You can share the knowledge and receive as well some ...

The entire meeting, would be an awesome protocol for trading ancestral knowledge from the existent multiverses ...


Now, tell me if this would not be an awesome scenario to happen'? Maybe, every soul from this dimension will need at some moment an experience like Mr.Scrooge had or Jedi Yoda had as well on this Halloween ...

I guess, that, an encounter with such an awesome squad like this one ...


... would change your life ...

I've thought as well this month, that with the same background, created in an autumnisch' style, would be interesting for some awesome lego stories with awesome characters that will have some stories for you today ...


Today's creative process came up with Sir Skellington and his love, Sally.

Who would have thought that Sir Jack Skellington would have a meeting with his soulmate Sally ?

Especially after an afternoon where he was just sippin'his tea and reading a book ...


His Halloween Pumpkins friends were arround him as well, inspiring him what to do to impress his soulmate Sally ...

As we all know, Jack Skellington is the creation that represents in the perfect manner, the well known Halloween period, even if he appeared in movies like The Nightmare before Christmas.

I think he should be the mayor of Halloween Town ... Rearding his suit, this was meant to be completely black, therefore, it blended with my autumnisch'background too well ...

When the subject of having a meeting with his love, Sally, he dressed like a true "Sir" and was wearing as well a melon kind of hat.

The flowers were not missing as well, fact that impressed Sally very much, and made her more emotional on her first meeting with her soulmate ...


What a perfect evening, in a world where the magic still exists ...

Especially when Dobby appears and his almost like the master elf of the ceremony ...

A perfect evening ...


Another awesome character that i've thought it will suit with my Halloween background, would be the famous wizard from Hogwarts, mrs. Sprout ...


Appearing as well with the famous elf, Dobby ...

I'm impressed how her role is not a significant one, even inside the movie ... when, in fact, she is the head of the Hufflepuff house ... and she's mastering very well the art of wizardry, and of course the art of creating potions, based on plants like gillyweed, which made possible the breathing process under the water ...

As well, as creating the magical Polyjuice, which does not contain the valerian sprigs ...

She was indeed a true magician in the art of mastering the entire menu of magical potions ...

And, having her house elf, Dobby, in this case, or better to say our #fiction story, this would be just awesome to see them both working in tandem on new wizardry discoverings ...

It would be an awesome thing to have such great masters inside our contemporary schools, but hey, we are online, right? We do not need anymore the magical characters like in the old days, 'cause we have the entire menu on internet, but the confusion is too high and no one knows what to choose anymore :)

Meanwhile, let's return home, just relaxing, reading a book and sippin'a coffee or a tea, like my buddy Jack Skellington does ...


Hope, you all have enjoyed your month of October which might need to become the month of Halloween ...

Regards people from the Cryptonian Matrix ...

Ciao a tutti ..

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