Fat daddy

in ART LOVERS4 years ago (edited)

He sat and that was that, no need to hurry ran up and down, he was done with it, needed to sit.

Life was so good and life was cool there was nothing he really longed for except for coke and some tool.

He knew the thoughts of all who passed by, the common and the rich but why, care about their mood as long as his life was good?

The sidewalk was the place to be and to stay, no matter the weather, he appeared and filled the whole day, with doing what he liked most of all.

A call.

It was freedom, he knew he needed, embraced and greeted.

There's not much one needs... if it comes to it just a gulp and bite.

He could fix it once he saw the light.

Time didn't matter he had tons of it and patience plus the right spirit, he would make it function again.

It was for the kid next door who had to spend his entire life in a drugstore.

He felt sorry for the little boy, because he had to stay inside with his terrible dad who didn't care about joy or food for the soul, money was his goal.

Look at it.

What a fun it would be if that boy talks to me once it works it's a great way out of the rut, he only needs the gut.

I'm gonna take care of that fat calling himself a great dad.

A bit spray, some coke so the rusty screws can soak and a sip or three for me while I wait - it's getting late - but hey, I'll finish it today.

How good it is saving all this to help someone in need, instead of selling it out of greed.

I bet for a dime it works fine.


Now I can clearly hear the signal - it works what I have made - amazing how bright this yellow tiny thing shines even in the shade.

He turned it around and upside down shook and even dropped it but guess what the signal was and stayed clear it functioned.

"Time to clean up the whole mess and deliver the tool I guess."

The drugstore was open and crowded inside as he entered before they switched on the light, he walked straight to the closet where the child sat.

"Boy you're quiet I brought you something good to talk with."

"I have a present... If you press that button... I can hear it... if you need a friend..."

The boy glanced, nodded.

The little hand clung to the practical gift as it shove it into the coat's pocket.

Both smiled, knew and understood a friend is dear and it already feels good if you know there is a person who does care.

"Hey, what you're doing there!"

"Stand back, away from my child!"

The dad went crazy, shouted and dropped on the floor of his own drugstore.

Still, no pill could save fat dad.

Photo: @tristancarax

This is my entry to The 31 Sentence Contest: Round 12 hosted by @tristancarax

Sentence order:

22, 21, 27, 29, 2, 10, 15, 9, 20, 17, 31, 3, 28, 12, 30, 19, 8, 1, 25, 23, 13, 26, 11, 18, 4, 16, 24, 5, 6, 14, 7


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@cloudblade Thank you my friend. I hope you are doing well. 💕

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Thank.you a lot @cloudblade can you explain to me how to play that game "paper - scissors.."

Thank.you a lot scissors.."

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Saludos @wakeupkitty. Tienes muchas ideas para tus cuentos. Siempre nuevos.

@gertu No tengo ideas Escribo una oración y luego la siguiente. Escribir este me llevó mucho tiempo. Contar palabras también lleva mucho tiempo. Tienes que escribir una historia a la foto dada.

Amazing you can write this!
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