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RE: What's in the Palm Tree?

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

Hahaha, sorry that I find this amusing, as we are in the same boat JJ.
Marian and the quack are also forever on my case.
But he is a good doctor and now I get a chest injection every 5 years, as it protects me against chest infections. Haven't had any infections since they started the injections.


LOl another similarity between us it seems LOL

Thats good I have had a chest infection once a year Since i got TB back in 2007, some years I used to get more than one, but with being more sensible I had reduced it to once a year and was hoping for less than that, but due to my own fault I did this year

Sorry to hear that my friend. TB also plagues this country with all of the mines and recently some TB sufferers won a class action law suit for compensation. Do you know what it was that caused the TB back then?
Take care my friend!

When I was diagnosed initially we thought it was caused by a guy that collapsed on a flight to Vegas, my wife was inthe bathroom and he collapsed after coughing for most of the flight against the bathroom door, the air hostess didnt knwo what to do so I calmed downmy wife and then loosened his tie and made sure he was breathing OK, and when he came round he was very careful not to say anything about what was wrong with him,

but then as they treated it and it took so long to heal they thing I had it for at least a year or so before getting diagnosed, so that may mean I got it from a working in Rwanda around that time

Sounds like a virus that you picked up somewhere, either in Rwanda, or the the guy on the plane. We were told to careful on flights because of dirty air filters, as I started trembling and felt horrible after a flight from Johannesburg to Cape Town. I can't imagine what you guys had to through with that guy coughing on the plane.

Now on the rare occasions that we fly, or know that there are crowds about, we use the Naseptin nose drops and haven't had a problem since.

Ohh yeah flying is bad for picking up things, I could have a paid trip back to NZ every two years with my job but i havent used it for over 10 years now as every time i flew I ended up with a terrible infection and often in Hospital so I gave up flying back then and haven't flown since 2010 I think

Seems like something else that we have in common then JJ.
Some people would die to take those free trips.
We also don't fly anymore.

I did love it when I used to travel a lot when I was younger, but when I spent over one year travelling pretty much solidly for 9 months, with the longest I spent in one place or country was 3 weeks the novelty did wear off a little lOL

Wow, now that's what I would call travelling mate, no wonder you found that enough. I have only traveled in the southern countries of the African continent, mostly for work.
Makes sense that you have had enough!

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