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RE: Food Fight Friday Ghost Busting Breakfasts

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

I'm sure you'll agree the laundry is the worst so I really need to find someone who offers a reliable service!
We fortunately have super considerate guests so at least the daily cleaning is child's play.
My aunt said that one of her guests told her one morning that she saw the tall man the night before and my late uncle swore that he often felt a presence on a visit there!
Wishing you a wonderful 2020:)


Funnily enough, I don't entirely mind the ironing - especially if I can do it in front of the cricket or listening to the radio. It's the cleaning I don't like. Because our Little Room is in the house, I decided not to accept guests. All of that said, the woman who helps me is a gem - as is her whole family - and between us, we'd make a plan.

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