New on Netflix: The Red Sea Diving Resort

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

This film was mostly negatively reviewed by professional reviewers but almost entirely because of SJW reasons that I'll get to later. I found it to be mostly pretty boring and also feel it was not a great (or ever very good) film. However i do not even remotely agree with the virtue-signalling reasons some professional reviewers indicated.

I suppose there are spoilers in here, but since it is a historical film I don't think there was ever any doubt what was going to happen in the story


The film is loosely-based on actual operation that were carried out in the early 80's to evacuate Jews from Ethiopia to Israel via Sudan. This was done covertly by doing close to what is described in the film: They established a fake diving resort and ushered persecuted Jews to rescue boats waiting offshore to carry the passengers to safety.

They were able to get away with this under the cover of "night diving."


Apparently, the film is very loosely based on fact but I suppose that is needed in order to create action for entertainment value. It is to be expected. However, I think they should have exaggerated a bit more because for the most part this film has a very "get on with it already" feel to it.

The critics lambasted this film because of what they are calling "White Savior Complex." If you don't know what that means... good. WSC is an apparently problematic portrayal in films of white people being the saviors of people who are not white and this is a no-no apparently, even though in this situation it is true.

The people who were put in these positions were not white because the film-makers wanted to make people of color seem powerless, the people were white in the film because they were mostly white in the actual incidents. They needed to be white tourists in order for their cover as foreign dive-resort owners and operators to function as cover. I suppose they could have been black foreigners, but that was not the case here. I find it exceptionally frustrating that just because the people were white and were helping black Ethiopians we are, in the minds of the critics, not supposed to admire what they accomplished.

Were they a little over-the-top in their portrayal of the protagonists' heroics? Well, of course they were, Captain America is playing the lead role after all.


I found the film dull because it is dull. It attempts to side-step this boredom by having almost cartoonish moments in order to break up the tedium but this is because the real story can't possibly fill 2 hours, but that is exactly what they did. Ben Kingsley and Greg Kinnear, who are both great actors, couldn't add much flavor to the film as their roles are rather inconsequential.

from the official Netflix channel

My reasons for suggesting giving this one a miss is because I thought it wasn't very entertaining. It has nothing at all to do with the constant desire on the part of the media to interject social issues and racism into anything they can possibly touch.

My overall rating 4 / 10



Wow, I wouldn't have guessed that so many famous people were in this. I love Sir Ben. He is pretty awesome. I have to agree with you on this one. There are times when I am pretty indifferent to whether a character is white or any other nationality. If you are portraying a historic event, why would you mess with that though. Unless you are doing something tongue in cheek or as a satire, it makes no sense to stray from that. I remember everyone getting up in arms about Iron Fist casting a white actor. Danny Rand in the comics was white. How can you argue with that. I mean at least let them do the first iteration that stays true to the comics and if you want to do a reboot after that with an Asian Iron Fist go for it. It's just silly. It makes me think of Don Quixote, everyone making a run at monsters that are actually just windmills.

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Why don't you play Splinterlands?
What is a hive? Is it to keep the bots away?
Are 9 tags helpful?
I just want to be a STEEM content creator and gamer. You think the average Joe can survive of this blockchain this year?

um I don't play Splinterlands because I don't have much time for gaming and when i do play I tend to enjoy things that are quite different from that. I have only played one deck building game and it was ok... It probably seems like I am making excuses but ok, I'll check it out some time.

I am new to the whole hive thing, I have no idea what the purpose is it was just recommended by the powerhousecreatives team and I really like those guys so I figured, why not

abt 9 tags: lol, again, i have no idea - to be honest I was thinking about using significantly less than I used to.

last question: be those things then! I like your writing... i'll support ya

It's great to get some real answers around here. Thanks bro.

Can't believe it has come to the White thing again. When will people ever learn that skin color has nothing to do with real life shit. I honestly say that the ones raising these issues are the racists themselves and are just full of crap. I don't give a toss about PC and stay away from that sort of thing and have never heard of WSC as if someone raised it with me I would quite honestly deck them without thinking and wouldn't care.

great response. I no longer live in the United States so the only time I ever hear about this sort of crap is online or if someone who is ultra liberal is visiting this country and they are quickly identified because they are constantly virtue-signalling and I learn really quickly to avoid them because these people ruin all fun in their constant efforts to find fault in all the people around them.

When I read that the reviewers were accusing this film of WSC i have to admit, it was one of the only reasons why I watched it.

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