 5 years ago 

That it could very well come to that is the problem. Canada narrowly missed passing a law that would have made it illegal to NOT use someone's preferred pronoun, and now one of the liberals who argued against the law, Jordan Peterson, is reviled by many if not most of his fellow liberals. Really bizarre stuff.

And in Australia, doctors - and parents! - can go to jail for failing to comply with a four-year-old's request for gender re-assignment surgery. Never mind the side effects of the sex change operation... just do what the kid wants. Never mind the age of consent for any number of less drastic things one can do with one's body... just grant the kid his wish, or go to jail.

 5 years ago 

What?! This is preposterous! I question the practice of sex change operations of almost any kind to be truthful, I think that is taking identity issues (and who does not experience those?!) to a very unhealthy and unnatural level, but to do this to a CHILD?
In Virginia there has been a bill introduced that will allow all vaccinations of any child, against the parents' known wishes and while the children are under almost anyone else's supervision (as in "at school") if the child OF ANY AGE either asks for them or is determined by any health professional to not understand the risks and benefits at an adult level. A health professional who knows absolutely nothing about the medical condition or family history of the child is free to stick any child if they think they should be stuck. And the parents will not be notified. As some read the bill, the parents will also not have access to their own child's vaccination records.

While I'm a proponent of Vx, I know a family who has a history of sons dying from a specific vaccine (I forget which one) or nearly dying. My college professor lost his sister to polio in the 1950s, and a vaccine would have spared the family that loss. It's a tricky issue. I still get my annual flu shot, but my sister will never get one. Her granddaughter was going to remain unvaccinated but I think living in Germany they won't get away that. Measles, smallpox... we need the vaccines, but we also need them to be safe. Denying the parents access to their children's records and bypassing their consent ... "1984" was off by only a few years!

 5 years ago 

Please forgive me for what is sure to be a strident response on my part.
If there is risk involved, there must also be choice. The children who are harmed by the vaccines (and some say we ALL have suffered harm) will be in the care of their parents for the rest of their lives, not the care of the vaccine manufacturers or the government. As a parent of a disabled son, who I now believe is in part vaccine injured (all three of my children, all three, have an autoimmune disease, one of them has two) I know these injuries harm entire families. The risks absolutely do not outweigh the benefits. Our children are more often than not chronically ill now. That is not right.
Then there's this:
The vaccine industry has been lying to us, and getting our schools to lie to us, for over 100 years.
That all said, vaccination must be a CHOICE. A government that forces toxic injections is more dangerous than ANY disease. How is lining up to be shot up with toxins different from walking into a gas chamber? As you can see, I feel very strongly about this issue.

Chronic auto-immune conditions erode the quality of life, and if all your offspring suffer from it, something is rotten in the state of Denmark (in our government, our culture). Again, my heart goes out to you!

Yes, you do feel strongly - and if you sound 'strident,' you have good reason. I'm not as aware as you are of the risks and the dangers; study after study will assure us that overall, vaccinations are far safer than having no vaccinations. I honestly don't know to what extent autoimmune diseases are caused by vaccines as opposed to a number of other environmental and dietary factors. We live in a world full of toxins, plastics, aersols, auto exhaust, factory fumes, food additives and food dies, MSG, nitrites and nitrates - how do we ever fund the research to pinpoint which dangers are the worst, which are more innocuous?

The long list of government abuses, outrages, and violations of our privacy and freedom has me sounding strident - but more often, I just shut down and give up, feeling as if I have no voice, no vote. It's like Steemit's one-cent dust vote, this vote we cast in election years. The big fish outnumber us.

Ugh, HAPPY NEW YEAR, I'm off to go bury my head in the sand (watching for toxic oil spills of course!).

 5 years ago 

lol. You have a way of cheering me up even when you're despondent. What is that?

Anyway, the truth is that there has been NO STUDY done comparing the general health of a vaccinated population with that of an unvaccinated population. All those other exposures are dangerous too, but injecting toxins directly into bloodstreams definitely will be shown, in time, to have been the most injurious. That is, if we're not all dead before the studies get done.
Feel better now?
(hahaha sorry could not resist)

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