Too Much Misinformation and Panic? - Get the Facts!

in ART LOVERS4 years ago


My downloaded certificate

You can hear, read and see almost anything pertaining to the Coronavirus - from "it's a political hoax and really no more deadly than the flu" - to "the world is coming to an end and let's rush out deplete the world's supply of toilet paper!" Social media is filled with videos and photos of empty shelves in local stores and tales of battles over the last remaining stock.


I like to know facts and I read about this free course on and I wanted to share this site with you. There are several interesting topics available.


It's not rocket science level - it's very simple and straightforward and I knew a lot of the basic information but I did learn a few more interesting facts.

For instance, WHO is mentioned a lot in the news and I wasn't quite sure what that organization was. It's the World Health Organization. The World Health Organization was established in 1948 within the United Nations system and its job is to be the directing and coordinating authority on international health issues.

I also learned that the coronavirus strains are considered to be zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people. The origin of the spread of this one to people started with bats. This new strain of conoravirus has been officially referred to as the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), or as we are now used to seeing it "Convid-19".

I won't go into recapping the entire course, it only took me about an hour to go through it, and yes, there is a test at the end to get the certificate. Not that the certificate means anything, but I thought it would be a nice visual for this article.

If you want to read up on the facts, and this course was just created a few days ago so the information is very up to date, I felt that this was worth the small amount of time it took to go through. After all, I can't watch my NBA games at the moment, might as well learn something!






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