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RE: Nature Already Does It Better Than We Could Ever Do - My Introduction to the Community - A PowerHouseCreatives Contest

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

Thank you for that amazing compliment ^^

It was actually quite tricky to hold the camera and press the autofocus button with one finger and then the trigger button with the other, hahaha .. This is just the result of a lot of shots that I took, but I was so eager to get at least a few great ones and I enjoyed the walk in the gardens ^^

By the way, if you try it on your own, concentrate on the auto-focus just on the droplets. The rest of the picture may be a little bit unclear, but it makes the droplet look even better ;) .. If you find a nice droplet out there just give it a try. I would like to see how it works out for you. Water droplet photography is definitely one of my new favorite topics out there. Its raining a lot here luckily, heheh ;)

Thank you for stopping by and read you next time !


OK. I will try to do it. 😉 Hopefully I can, even with the use of the phone camera. Hahaha! 😂

Just do it like me.. try countless shots and make the perfect one appear as it it always was meant to be this one, hahaha ^^ .. Have a nice weekend ;)

Hahaha! Great encouragement my friend! 😁 Thank you.

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