SEC S11W1: Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood"

in Colombia-Originallast year

Edited with photcollage

Greetings dear friends. It's a beautiful season for the Steemit engagement challenge contest. The previous seasons were amazing and I believe this season will be lovely as well. Today I will be starting up the season11 week 1 challenge here in this noble community with a great contest theme “Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood"

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Motherhood and fatherhood is a stage where a man and woman agree to marry and give birth to numerous children depending on how many they want.

Fatherhood and motherhood come when the woman has finally given birth to the child and starts taking responsibility for the child by catering to the child's needs and this parenthood is a lifelong responsibility for the parent.

Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? Why?

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No, I don't think so because every human has their decision when it comes to getting married talk more of giving birth to children. Being a mother or a father is a choice and a decision one has to take. So I don't think being childless will make someone's life incomplete.

In the world today some people made up their minds not to marry and they are very happy with the way they want to live their life. So Child or no child life continues. And it depends on what individuals want.

Do you think a parent should put aside their goals or dreams for their children? Explain your answer.

Ooh no, the parent should not put aside their goal or dream for their children. That will not make sense at all. I know the children need attention and care but before the parent starts giving birth they must have seat down and plan how they will manage their children and their career as well.

So anyone who plans well will definitely balance the two without any stress even though I know it won't be easy for the parent but at least they know what they're embarking on before they got married and start giving birth to children.

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Moreover, the parent's goals will be of an added advantage to the children because it will help them to provide and cater to the children well, but if they decide to set aside their goal they won't have the resources to train the children or set an example for them to follow.

What is your view of people who choose not to have children?

Well, as I said earlier everyone has their choice to make in life, what makes you happy matters a lot, so if having children will make them happy then they go for it but if they don't want then I believe they will be happy as well since it's their own decisions. So I don't think there is anything wrong when someone decides not to have a child.

God created everyone differently so for that, not all fingers are equal, what I like may be what another person dislikes, and what I dislike will be what another person like. So humans are unpredictable it's only the creator knows it all.

Do you consider that in order to be a mother or father there must be ideal conditions (economic, social and physical and mental health)? Why?

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To me, before one should be a father or a mother, that person must be financially stable so that the child will have a good life and also grow healthy.

A father and a mother need to nurture their child and also provide emotional, social support for the child. Kids love to play and spending time with them makes them happy.

Taking care of a child is not child's play because children need attention from their parents both physically and mentally so before one will make a decision of giving birth he or she has to put all these things into consideration in other to give the child good life and also train them well.


In conclusion, children are gifts from our creator and it will be a great joy for everyone to experience fatherhood and motherhood even though there are people who are not interested in going through the stress, though they have their reasons but for me, I can't wait to have that experience because I believe there is joy in becoming a mother.😁

I invite @mjerry @josepha and @jasminemery to come and take part in this lovely contest


Wow! Every line of your participation is so amazing, motherhood or fatherhood is a choice, so it does not make us incomplete. What makes us complete is ourselves. But on the other hand, I think family is also very important to keep our lineage or descendants on earth existing even after our departure.

As you clearly said proper planning will not make our children become a distraction to our goals, children are additional tasks and responsibilities, we work to see their future bright but they should not be distract our dreams and goals.

Moreover, the parent's goals will be of an added advantage to the children because it will help them to provide and cater to the children's well-being, but if they decide to set aside their goal they won't have the resources to train the children or set an example for them to follow.

To me, the ideal condition is to be mature in mind and have resources to carter for the family and you have clearly explained, thank you for sharing this amazing participation dear friend, and wish to best of luck.

Thank you for kind comments and contribution dear friend i so much appreciate.


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @adeljose

Thank you for the support i'm grateful.

Greeting dear friend

you are very right getting a married is a decision of every person, you wish to marry want to do give birth of a child or not so it's totally his decision.

We want to live single or to will parents but I guess the life seems in complete if we don't have kids love ones in our life. But its a matter of choice.

Best wishes

Sure it's a matter of choice, everyone knows what he or she want in life. Thank you fir visiting my blog i'm grateful.

Hola, la desicion de tener o no hijos es de cada quien. Y hay que ser responsables una vez que estén en embarazos.

You are right ma'am, your point are clear and well understood. Thank you for your contribution.

Hi. Thanks for coment.

পিতা-মাতার কাছ থেকে একজন সন্তান তার জীবনের চলার পথ বাধা এবং তাদের মন মানসিকতার গঠন তৈরি হয় সুষ্ঠু মন মানসিকতা না থাকলে তাদের সন্তানগুলো সুষ্ঠু মনমানসিকতা নিয়ে জন্মগ্রহণ করবে না এবং সে বিভিন্ন কুকর্মের সাথে লিপ্ত হবে একজন পিতা-মাতা যদি আদর্শ পিতা-মাতা হয় তাহলে তার সন্তানগুলো অবশ্যই আদর্শ ভাবে বড় হবে এবং পিতা-মাতার মান সম্মান বাড়াবে অনেক সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করেছেন আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল

That's true sir, a child life is shaped by his parents. Thank you for the contribution. It's appropriate.

Saya membacanya dan mencermati tulisan yang anda rangkaian. Anda menulis dengan berkualitas. Semoga sukses.

Thank you for the compliment i appreciate.

 last year 

Do you know what I liked most about your publication? You talked about "marriage" to raise children and it really takes two to raise children, many people have left behind the idea of ​​starting a home and sharing the same place to plan raising children and indeed parents must be united by a bond of love. Thanks for participating.

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Thank you fir reading through my content. I appreciate your review ma'am.

Absolutely! You've highlighted a crucial point that each person has the right to make their own decisions about marriage and parenthood. Whether someone chooses to have children or not, it doesn't define the completeness of their life. Happiness and fulfillment can be found in various paths, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to living a fulfilling life.

Hi @yakspeace

In the world today some people made up their minds not to marry and they are very happy with the way they want to live their life.

This is so true…. Most of the people these days does not want to marry and they are completely happy with the life they have got. It’s their own decision in life.

I read your post and it was very interesting you have had many valid points.

It's lovely to read your thoughts on motherhood and fatherhood. You've expressed a valuable perspective that being childless doesn't make someone's life incomplete as parenthood is a personal choice. Balancing personal goals and parenting responsibilities is essential, and proper planning can help achieve both. Understanding and respecting individual choices regarding having children is important. Financial stability and emotional support are crucial aspects for being a parent, ensuring a good life for the child. Children are indeed precious gifts, and experiencing parenthood brings joy and fulfillment. Thank you for sharing your insights! 😊

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