NEW CONTEST: I take care of the planet and you?

in Colombia-Original2 years ago

Good day everyone

This is my first post in this community and my third contest entry in general.

Particularly I have stalled attempting this contest as I was over whelmed, with the amount of information I gather about the situation of our planets truely vthis contest couldn't have come at a better time.


Image made using canva

The will only be one earth, which we call home and the way we treat it really matters this is because the earth is a living thing and the very source of life.

We met the earth in a good condition so we owe it to future generations to leave them a planet which they can also call home.

Without the earth the human race wouldn't exist
So it is so sad whenever I see people over exploiting the earth to the point that it starts to have a negative impact on the society.

I am particularly glad with this contest as it offers us the opportunity to think about our daily activities and how this activities can affect the earth.

In addition to thinking it also offered us as individuals the opportunity to think about ways we can preserve the earth.


Steps to show I care about the earth

The earth is very fragile and as such we must treat it with care.

We can take care of the earth by doing smthe following.


Green energy



The term green energy is not strange, we have Began hearing about green energy shortly after the Paris accord in 2016 where delegates from around the world came together and acknowledged the fact that global warming is a serious issues.

You may ask what is global warming.
Global warming is the repercussion of the chipping away of the ozone layer.

When the ozone lay is chipped away more and more and becomes weak more ultra Violet rays than necessary get into our planets atmosphere thereby making the earth warmer and melting the ice caps in the north pole.

The melthing of the ice caps is felt all around the world as this causes flooding, drought, erosion and various others.

What is green energy
This are alternative sources of energy different from burning of fossil fuel.
This form of energy is renewable and environmentally friendly.

Why we need to adopt green energy

  1. It is renewable unlike fossil fuel which is finite in supply green energy such as solar, wind, water and so on all are infinite in supply.

  2. They are environmentally friendly, the process of obtaining this energy doesn't affect the planet negatively

  3. They are cheap on the long run, green energy such as solar is cheap on the long run as you do not need to pay for sunlight.




This is the process of reusing already used materials rather than throwing them away to be destroyed.

By recycling we are helping the environment through the following ways

  1. Some materials are incapable of decomposing on thier own in the sense that being left alone they would cost a nuisance to the environment.
    An example of a material that if not properly disposed of would be disaterous to the environment is plastic.
    It takes a piece of plastics between 20 to 500 years to decompose.
    Presently there is an island twice the size of Texas on the Atlantic ocean. This island is entirely made of plastic.
    Debries from this plastic island often float down into the ocean and cause havoc for various sea creatures.
    Some of us might have seen videos of turtles with straws stuck up thier nostrils unable to breath or fishes with plastic in thier stomach dead because of plastics posion.
    Such are the disasters we could be avoiding by recycling our plastic so as they not end up in places like this.

  2. Conserves natural recycling we tend to limit the amount of natural resources which are exploited for the production of goods and services such timber, coal, fossil fuel and so other.

  3. prevents pollution often times when we recycle we are reducing the pollution to the environment.
    How you may ask? By picking those plastic bottles you see on the streets you are helping to keep the streets neat and this in turns reduces pollution.
    Pollution is the main cause of various disease such as maleria, cholera, diarrhoea and many others.




Afforestation is the process of repopulating ba foresst by planting of trees.

By planting trees we could be helping the environment in the following ways.

  1. The root of trees help to prevent erosion.

  2. The branches and leaves of prevents tornados and reduces the winds.

  3. Through the process of photosynthesis tree(green plant) are able to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen which is good for the environment.

  4. Through Aforestation we are able to preserve the trees which are home to wild animals.

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With this I have come to the end of my contest entry post I hope all those reading this would pick a thing or two and understand why this steps are necessary for the protection of our planet.

I would like to invite @swaylee @ronindboss @weasell @dybastos @lastditch @husaini @nurafniaulia to participate in this contest.


Y'all keep amazing me with your posts so much so that I keep losing hope for being among the winning team. I will not weaver nonetheless, expect my entry tomorrow and expect something hooge.

Your post has been really helpful and I love the way u use your images. It seems you really put your time and effort into this post. I couldn't help but notice your point on afforestation. I have always said this that trees help mankind more than they give them credit for. People are so quick to cut trees without thinking of the after effects and it's affecting both the earth, the soil and the ozone layer.

I wish some people would stop being ignorant and avoid inappropriate felling of trees as it gradually destroys the earth if more are not planted to match the ones that are cut down. Let's always try to surround ourselves with trees. Nice post man. Goodluck winning, I think you deserve a spot in the top 3

I am especially glad you loved my post
You opions matter Soo much to me.

It's sad that people do not know the advantages of trees and still carry out indiscriminate felling of tree to serve as fuel.

Taking care of planet is vital to our survival we made some mistake in the past but we realize it and our planet is now recovering. You have bring out points that will need to adopt as quickly as possible to fasten this recovery. I really love reading your post thank you for sharing

We have to try to do better so as to save the planet for our next generation.
I remember once I saw a video of a straw being pulled out of a sea turtles nostril.
I almost cried the sea tortoise was in sooo much pain it was really hard to watch

It sad how we have turn our previous seas and ocean to our dumping ground because we can handle our own garbage. We should always remember that these water body support so many lives including ours but for selfish and greedy reason some are destroying it. It really sad and things need to change right now.

The sad part of it all is that we need water to survive , it is the most essential nutrients for survival

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much for your participation, it is interesting the reflection you make on the care of our planet, as well as the options you give us to do so.

Green energy is an excellent option, clean energy they say.

Transfers: 119.143 STEEM
Powerup: 189.448 STEEM


No thank you and the community mod for organizing this contest

You have rightly stated how we can contribute in the well being of our environment by properly handling our wastes.

Your pattern of writing is really cool and I admire the way you place your images.

Thank you for sharing with us.

We ought to keep the environment for our future generations.

My pattern of writing is something I picked up having written a thousand post on steemit

Global warming has been a serious issue I expect everyone to be worried about, it's just surprising when you see people acting like whatever damage they cause to the earth doesn't matter, I mean these are supposed to be treated like human life as well.

Thou, I just learned a new thing about green energy, never heard that before or pay attention, but I believe with that, we can reuse the energy for a far better purpose.

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