SEC S11W1: Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood"

in Colombia-Originallast year (edited)

Good morning good afternoon and goodnight to all of us in a different part of the world steemit has brought us together in love and unity, thank God for this platform it always has something new to offer welcome to my blog once again.

Parents Are a bond that binds us secretly together as a family and as children.

@ vickyson

Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? why?


My parents, my brother me and there grandchildren

To me everyone is complete in their own way, To have children is one big responsibility if you bring out a child into the world and failed to take full responsibility for that child's needs, it also makes you incomplete because you have failed in that part to be a mother you have beard pregnancy for 9 months some even exceed, but at the end of the day forsake the children and walk away does that makes them a mother?

does that also make them complete? no, I can be without a child but I can be taking full responsibility for someone else child which makes me happy completely by doing that, it must not be that I bear a child from my womb to make me a mother there are so many people they have children and cannot cater for their needs, you can take care of those children and make yourself complete

Some parents lost their life because of their children does that makes them complete well I can be without a child without any high blood pressure from the children and still be complete children is true that they are blessings from God but do you know the children that you are bearing, the responsibility of having children is the most significant things that one should consider before bearing a child

Do you think a parent should put aside their goals or dreams for their children? Explain your answer.


There is no way I can do that, a parent should even consider their achievement before thinking of bearing a child because once you take a step forward you got Married, you become parents your responsibility is added, then she conceived imagine you have money no source of income and she was in labor it has to be an operation the Genesis of your problem started where will you have the money if your goal has been kept outside and your achievement has not aimed

then the child comes to the world you need to buy this, buy that, the hospital bills the feeding then one step at a time they start schooling economy of the country is hard even the hard labor is no longer paying how will you feed the family if you have kept aside your dream for the sake of the children, keeping aside your goals and dream is one of the biggest mistake parents can make

Some children end up in the streets because their parents failed to meet up their needs, and some into prostitution and robbers all of them if you hear their side of the story either, I lost my parents or we couldn't feed well that is why I joined the bad guys

What is your view of people who choose not to have children?


It depends on how such individuals live, maybe they are incapable of bearing children some try but couldn't find one while some choose to stay and take care of their other sibling's children with money, I know of a woman in my area that she's about 60 years but she's not married she doesn't have a child and she has money,

do you know why she choose that, she said that all her siblings I looking up to her for help with their children's school fees, ceremony their feeding even in their marital home they channel their problems to her and she makes it her responsibility to be there for them, she sponsored their children to the university level, even her brother's to school it's a choice that one makes to live with, I did not see a problem with that

Even though God says multiply and be fruitful but is not everybody that God has given the richest to take care of that multiplication.

Do you consider that to be a mother or father there must be ideal conditions (economic, social and physical, and mental health)? why?


I think this condition should be made one of the top five in every country because if you don't have an economy which comprises of many things you don't have to become a father or mother I have seen with my own eyes families that feed the bearly ones a day, they have multiple children those children become Buster's a threat to the society

there were two little boys from a family of 12 because of insufficient food their children start boggling people's houses stealing food from the fire taking what did not belong to them, I if think their parents should have an economy that will provide for their family the children will not be exposed to such condition

  • Social life, children that are exposed to social life their ways of life is different, their growth and thinking, their educational background is fluent they go to Museums and tourism centers they go on vacation they have many privileges that parents without such life can not offer

  • Physical and mental health those that have physical and mental health needs attention from those that are healthy how then can they have children that needs also attention, it should be put into consideration that those people with such issue should not have children because they too need attention.

People with physical and mental stable sometimes lost sites of their children In domestic activities or even at the park some lost their children even though they're healthy what about those that could not even take care of themself, Government should reach out to them for help them instead of letting them pass through such stress from children

I welcome everyone one of you to my blog, I'm very grateful for your time

I love to invite my friends to join the tournament.



That's right, friend, it depends on each person's point of view if you feel complete or incomplete when you have a child.
and you are also very right, when you say that when parents cannot satisfy the needs of their children they end up on the street, but it seems that nowadays many do not think about the consequences, they bring their children and that's it

Thank you dear is an honor to have you in blog🙏

زندگی میں ہر شخص ذمہ دار ہے اگر میاں بیوی بچے پیدا کرنا چاہتے ہیں تو پھر بچوں کی ذمہ داریاں بھی اٹھانا والدین کی ذمہ داری ہے۔کچھ افراد ان ذمہ داریوں سے بچنے کے لیے بچے پیدا نہیں کرتے۔لیکن آپ نے درست کہا کہ مالی سکولز ہر طرح کے مساہل ہوتے ہیں لیکن یہ ایک فرد کی اپنی صلاحیت اور خواہش پر منحصر ہے۔آپ نے بہت اچھے انداز سے اس موضوع پر لکھا ہے۔میری طرف سے آپکے لیے نیک خواہشات

Thank you daddy for the visit, I'm very grateful

Ser padres es una gran responsabilidad, tener hijos es maravilloso pero no nos hace completos o incompletos ante los ojos de nadie, por ello y mas respeto la decision personal de mis semejantes. Saludos.

Thank you so much for your time.

 last year 

Me encanta que inicies tu publicación diciendo que cada uno de nosotros está completo a su manera, es muy cierto!

Es interesante tu visión de la maternidad pero que bueno que respetas el pensar de los demás, a la final eso es lo que importa, que cada quien sea feliz como desee.

Gracias por compartir tu opinión y participación con nosotros.

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Thank you for the beautiful assessment i remain grateful.

Thank you for the invite..
I totally agree with your view about this topic especially on the first question.

Children does not make anyone complete. Infact that's more responsibilities that needs to be prepared for.

Thank you for responding big sister, it mean a lot to me.

You are always welcome


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Curated by : @wilmer1988

Thank you so much for your time, I'm grateful.

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