"SEC S11W1: Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood"

in Colombia-Originallast year
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"Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” –Matthew Jacobson

No matter how far we come, our parents are always in us.” –Brad Meltzer

Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? Why?

Motherhood makes a woman complete, is a regular saying we hear almost all the time. But never does one get to hear that fatherhood makes a man complete, or have you heard? It is said that a man becomes a father just by transferring his name to his children and then a woman becomes a mother only when she has sacrificed everything.

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A cleric, Ven. Henry Ibeanusi said that God instituted marriage to bring completeness and happiness to man. So if God instituted marriage for a man and a woman to become a father and mother and also for them to have completeness and happiness, then this answers the question.

I think the completeness of a man or a woman is when they have the title Father or Mother. This completeness and joy go especially for the woman. With this motherhood, she is relieved of so much trauma, and problems from family, friends, and in-laws and she saves her face from so many embarrassments. A woman is not complete when she has not flagged the title "mother".

mother-1171569_1280.jpgsourceA complete woman with so much happiness

On the other hand, a man is not complete if he has not been titled "father". And this joy becomes complete when it has to do with having a male child. Another thing that makes a man complete is being able to take responsibility. But when they shy away from it, they become ashamed or embarrassed.

Do you think a parent should put aside their goals or dreams for their children? Explain your answer.

No, being a parent is not a criterion for anyone to put aside their dreams for their children. Why? because before the coming of those children, you already had dreams, goals, and aspirations, that you wish to accomplish. Standing firm on your grounds to acquire what you've hoped for and believed, in will also give the children a sense of standing their ground, dreaming big, and pursuing it.

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As a parent, you serve as a stay-at-home parent and when your children one day ask why you do nothing, what exactly will be your response? That you are babysitting them? Or that you had your career shut down because of them? Now, those children will see their parents as loving parents but on the other hand, they would also have that sense of "staying at home to do nothing, and God will provide."

Parents should set an example for their children. They should be the once the children look up to for their future. But when you have your dreams shattered just because of them, they will appreciate your efforts but when they see other people doing so well, the blame comes back to the parent.

What is your view of people who choose not to have children?

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There are so many reasons why people choose not to have children. Some would say they are not ready, I don't like children, I have my career ambition to pursue, I hate being called mom/dad, there are thousands of reasons.

I don't have a say in this matter because it's a personal decision. It's private and I can't interfere in people's private life. So if anyone decides not to have children, it's fine.

Do you consider that to be a mother or father there must be ideal conditions (economic, social, and physical, and mental health)? Why?

Yes, there are so many conditions attached to being a mother or a father. Most young people today rush into marriage just to have that title forgetting the conditions attached.

Motherhood or Fatherhood is not a scam that is why before anyone is ready, you must also check the conditions and be sure to meet them all.

The question Why kept me wondering because to live healthily, there are certain conditions to it, so for parenthood there should also be some conditions to meet. Parenthood is an institution ground that everyone deserves to pass through. Our heavenly Father has made it so that before anyone can pass any exams, you must pass through conditions which are studying.

Although it is said that women are the one being that can multitask. But psychiatric disorders are common in women due to overwhelming workload. Fatherhood has also got its conditions to meet. Parenthood is a very serious institution that requires mature minds with understanding.

I invite @ruthjoe @mariami @beautiful12
 last year 

Hello dear friend, thank you very much for participating in our challenge, I find interesting several points you raise and one of them is the role of women in motherhood, certainly there are still many distinctions between the role of the father and the mother.

I believe that all opinions are valid, we all have the right to decide how we want to live our lives, it is important to learn to be tolerant and empathetic, because no one has the absolute truth.

Greetings and have a nice day, good luck in the contest.😊❤

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Thank you so much dear friend for the beautiful response.

As a parent, you serve as a stay-at-home parent and when your children one day ask why you do nothing, what exactly will be your response? That you are babysitting them? Or that you had your career shut down because of them?

Those are great questions. I think no parent should make their kid feel that they are missing something for having them and taking care of them.

Interesting point of view, since tradicional religious way of thinking.


I appreciate your quick response dear, thank you so much.

Your entry is so beautiful and educative..
You talk like one with so much experience and authority on this matter.

I totally agree with your views.
All the best in the contest


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @adeljose

Thank you @adeljose. I appreciate 🙏

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