SEC S11W1: Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood"

in Colombia-Originallast year (edited)


My family my pride


Hello friends, parenthood is a sweet thing that no one wants to miss out though it depends on individual, so for the purpose of this contest I will like to put on my own view on this particular topic

Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? Why?

I don't think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not father or mother. Though the question sounds somehow in my hearing because even God said we should go and multiply the earth but some people make their wall end between them and to me is individual choices.
Some women don't want to call mother because they don't want to ruin their bodies and some thinks that if they are put into family ways that the responsibility will be too much for them.

Have seen a couple with my two eyes that said they don't want to be mother or father because they want to be free, have their money, eat what ever they likes, build good houses and also flex their lives without anyone stopping them.

Like I said earlier that is individual choices , people, so I don't judge any one on that aspect, so to me without children you can have meaningful life's if you decide to stay without having kids. I Know people think of what the society will say because we are in the world where a fellow woman mock her fellow woman of inability of having children without asking to know the reason behind his or her decision.

Do you think a parent should put aside their goals or dreams for their children? Explain your answer.


Yeah to my own understanding every parent has the right to make their children dreams comes through, there is no parents who doesn't want their children to be successful in life.
I can remember how my father train us in school because he wanted the best from us, he makes sure he provides everything we needed.

I can remember some years ago when the road was narrow, I had to change my kids from the school they were going so that I can take care of myself but when I noticed that I was moving from frying pan to fire I had to let go of all my dreams and focus on my kids dreams,

I did a contribution for myself, planning that with 800,000 I will be able to get myself a small Toyota car but when I see that my children education was the best, I had to forget about the car then take them to better school that batter their life's and to help them achieve their dreams.
Even when my first son was done with his secondary education I had to enroll him in an electrical shop where he will learns the skills while waiting for his admission into university. With this I know how I have forgo my dreams just for my kids, I don't remember the last day I walk into a good boutique to buy clothes for myself but I have been doing it for my kids.
So it is our responsibility for us to take care of our kids.
This thing is just like plant, you plant in the planting season so that when it is time for harvest to harvest good fruit. So our children dreams is in our hands, we invest now so that tomorrow we will reap what we sow in them.

There is no parents that won't be happy seeing his or her kids becoming the governor of the state or the president of the country. So it will be our great joy to see that we forgo our dreams to make that of our children dreams to come true.

What is your view of people who choose not to have children?

Happy family

People thinks differently and is their choice if they choose not to have children for various reasons and I don't think is anyone business.

Let me share one story with us, when I newly got married then I was like 21 years and my husband was 28 years so we were still very young and we went to a birthday party and all the invites were couples, so everyone came with their husbands and wives, so a lady climb up to the pulpit to announce her second baby that she is pregnant again and I and my husband was happy for them. So when the party was still on she walk down to us and ask that we are too young that if we have any kids and I told her that we don't have any yet.

This woman started preaching to us that is our right to produce children now that we are still young without wanting to know what were our reason for not having kids as at then. And this same lady is a working class lady, she is not even the one training her kids and I listen to her preaching to me to start having children meanwhile her children is been raised by strangers.

So why we were not ready for children was because my husband and I both had our issues. My husband was put in the toilet for 3 good days for being stubborn by his parents and this continue any time he is stubborn until when he was old and myself at the other hand my mom abandoned me and my twin brother when we were just 8 months old and I was raised by my step mom who didn't show us the love we should have had from my mom. The physical abuse was too much and all this came into my mind and I said to myself instead of me abandoning my children is rather I stayed without kids.

My husband at the other hand agree not to have kids because he doesn't want them to go through what he went through not until after three years in our marriage we then seek for a counselor and she council us and took away that fears away from us.

Ok just of recent my daughter walk down to me and told me that she doesn't want to have children and when I ask her why, she told me that she doesn't want to pass through labour pains and I have to advice her. So is individual choices not to have children and It not my right to question them.

Let's see some of the reasons why some people choose not to have children.

  • Some thinks they won't be a good parents to their children because they think raising kids is difficult and they don't think they can do it. So that fear of raising a child without caring for the child is affecting them.

  • Some because of family linage they don't want to raise kids that will start having challenge of different kinds of sickness.

  • Some people because of time they find it difficult to raise children, maybe they are working class couple and they don't want any thing to affect their work.

  • Some people because of the family background, they are afraid if their children will pass through what they were through.

Do you consider that in order to be a mother or father there must be ideal conditions (economic, social and physical and mental health)? Why?


Before one should think of parenting a child there some certain factors that one has to consider, give birth to a child that you will be able to train, having UpTo 6 to 8 children is for what because definitely you won't be able to give that child sound education.

So if you are thinking of raising kids you should think of your mental health, your financial capabilities. If it was today I would have had like just two kids so that I will be able to give them the best of life they want.

So for you not to suffer your children, raise kids that you know you will be able to train, ok look at the united state, they have just a child or 2, even some of the rich man, they only have like 2 kids not that they won't be able to train them but because they are not ready for the stress involved.


parenthood comes with great challenge and we parents need to be strong to overcome it. For those that doesn't want to help kids, you are complete parents so far you show love to kids around you.

I am inviting my friends to join me in the contest.
@goodybest, @udyliciouz and @talktofaith

Know more about me

 last year 

Tu historia me conmueve, es entendible que no hayas querer tener hijos por haber vivido una infancia compleja, pero ya luego tu opinión cambió, lo que importa es lo que tu desees como mujer.

Es interesante tu visión de la maternidad pero que bueno que respetas el pensar de los demás, a la final eso es lo que importa, que cada quien sea feliz como desee.

Gracias por compartir tu opinión y participación con nosotros.

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Curated by : <@wilmer1988>

آپ کی کہانی پڑھ کر دکھ ہوا کہ آپ نے اور آپ کے شوہر نے بہت مشکل وقت گزارا اور اب خوشی اس بات کی آپ خوش ہو اور ایک اچھی زندگی گزار رہی ہو۔ اللہ آپ کو آپ کی پورے خاندان کو خوش رکھے اور یہ بات درست ہے کہ اولاد جب پیداہوتی ہے تو ذمہ داریاں بھی لاتی ہے اور ہمیں بطور والدین اس کا مل کر مقابلہ کرنا ہے۔ بہت بہت شکریہ

Thank you very much I appreciate

You're right, parenting entails great responsibility, and one need to plan for it in advance and put things in places so that at least he/she would be able to provide necessary things for their children. You're doing great ma'am, may you reap the fruit of your labour. Thanks for inviting me, success!

I appreciate your nice comment, thank you


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @wilmer1988

There are so many reasons why some people may decide to remain without kids. Like you have pointed out, it is their decision. But as for you, I am glad that you chose to be a mother and I can see the happiness on your face despite the challenges. Children are in most cases our reason for joy. Your kids look great. Success to you

Thank you ma'am for your nice comment, my children are my pride

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