SEC S11W1 | Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood

Hello Beautiful People!

As the Season 11 of Steemit Engagement Challenge has been started and I wish luck to all the communities selected. All are deserving and I am sure will run the whole month nicely. Let's get into my contest entry of Week #1.

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1- Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? Why?

Yes, A man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother because there are many things that we don't know when we are not married. We came to know about these things after our marriage. In the same way when we become parents we come along with a great way of experiences.

Parenthood is a journey of great experiences and of a practical life itself. Parenthood teaches us many lessons that we didn't know before. These experiences of love, care and ultimate happiness can only be experienced through our parenthood. You came to know about the struggles your parents made for you.

Children completes us in a way that it gives us happiness when we see our children growing and making successful steps in life, when they care for us the way we did for them and the scene of relaxation and fulfillness can only be experienced after we become mother or father and that’s the most beautiful time in your whole life.

2- Do you think a parent should put aside their goals or dreams for their children? Explain your answer.

Not at all, parents have the right to live their own life according to their desires. But yes with parenthood you have many responsibilities but it doesn't mean that you can not live your own life or you should stop working for your own dreams.

But there is also another side and being a parent is not easy because you have to make many sacrifices and think about your children’s life, their education and about their future rather than thinking and working on your own dreams.

I think this is the main thing that we all should know that parents are the one who lost all their things just to make your life easier and make you a successful person.

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3- What is your view of people who choose not to have children?

I think having children after marriage is everyone's own choice but in my opinion I believe that children are very important. Children play a vital role in making your life beautiful.

If someone gets married and they choose not to have children they are the one who were left alone in the last ages. I believe children are the assets of their parents.

Some people consider children as burden or is if they will destroy their independent but very he is children make you more happy, relax and independent because the work for you, they want you to be happy and when you look at their hard work and success you feel proud and relax and feel like your purpose of life has completed.

Having children is a beautiful way in which you can live your life with your loved ones and enjoy their company. Both parents and children want each other to be happy and stay together and support each other through difficult Times.

This is the beauty of parents' and children's relationship and I think those who do not have children are deprived of this beautiful relation.

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4- Do you consider that in order to be a mother or father there must be ideal conditions (economic, social and physical and mental health)? Why?

In order to become a mother or a father there should be ideal conditions available such as you have to be economically Stable to crib their children, they should be physically strong specially the mother should be physically healthy in order to give birth to a child.

Also both the parents should be mentally sound and if the mental health is not good then they are not ready to be another or a father and they should not go for having kids.

All these things together can make an ideal condition but it is important to have children or to be comp parents. Most of the people do not care for these conditions and when they have children they are unable to feed them, to give them all the facilities they need in life such as shelter, food, education etc.

Many poor people have many children without all these ideal conditions and hence their children end up doing labour, working and selling on streets, uneducated because their parents are not strong enough to provide basic necessities to their children.

Looking at all these factors I believe that for becoming a mother or father you should at least have resources to fulfil basic necessities for your upcoming children.

I would like to invite my friends @jyotithelight@shohana1 and @malikusman1 to participate in the contest.

Thank You So Much For Reading
With Love

 last year 

Thank you very much for participating, being parents is the most wonderful thing but it requires an enormous responsibility, which, when executed well, will give many satisfactions.

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This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags. Curated by: @irawandedy

Thanks for your evaluation dear!

 last year 

Sin duda la maternidad o paternidad le cambia la vida a cualquiera y sería mentir decir que no nos traen dolores de cabeza los hijos jaja, pero mas felicidad que otra cosa.

Si bien es decisión de cada quien precisamente por el grado de compromiso que conlleva y puede ser que la persona desee cierto grado de libertad que con los hijos no tendría.

jaja si es cierto los padres tienen un gran dolor de cabeza pero en edades posteriores se convierten en su fortaleza y los apoyan en todos los sentidos.
¡Gracias por tu agradable comentario!

I completely agree! Watching our children grow and succeed brings immense joy and fulfillment. The love and care they show us in return is truly heartwarming. Parenthood is a beautiful journey that enriches our lives in countless ways.

Yes, dear along with satisfactions and happiness parents also face many difficulties but that's what parenthood is.
Thanks for your valuable comment dear.

Yes, dear along with satisfactions and happiness parents also face many difficulties but that's what parenthood is.
Thanks for your valuable comment dear.


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags. Curated by: @irawandedy

Los niños son una bendición un regalo de Dios, solo los padres hemos experimentado la felicidad que produce tenerlo, verlos nacer y progresar cada día nos llena la vida de felicidad

En efecto, los hijos son una bendición para sus padres y se sienten satisfechos cuando ven crecer a sus hijos.
Gracias por tus valiosas palabras querida.
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