SEC S11W1: Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood"

Hello everyone, How are you doing? I hope all of you are doing well. I use this opportunity to welcome you to a new season of "Steemit engagement Challenge."

The challenge has kickoff today with a new season and a new approach, and we hope this will be for the best. Today, we shall discuss a very interesting topic about Challenging My Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood.

Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? Why?

So, for the first question, it says, "Do you think a man is incomplete if they're not a father or a mother?"

I can't totally agree with this statement, It feels wrong and it feels awkward, being a father or becoming a mother is a choice, it is not something that is easy. A man is identified as a man based on gender, not based on the fact that they have children.


So, it is wrong with the statement, It is not so right. Being a father is a lot of responsibility, and it is not people's choice at times not to be a father, It might be due to circumstances, or they haven't met with the perfect conditions yet.

Circumstances differ in every individual's life, and events might have happened which caused them not to be a father at the moment in their life. So, I believe a man is a man because they identify as a man, and the gender also recognizes them as a man. So, whether they have children of their own or not doesn't define them as a man. They are complete regardless of whether they have kids or not.

Do you think a parent should put aside their goals or dreams for their children? Explain your answer

I don't think anybody should be subjected to or should put their dreams first before their children or that the children could live along with the parents' dreams. There's a limited time in the human cycle, and we don't have the opportunity to live our whole life in one region, There are always opportunities coming around, and children need to understand that parents can't just stay and revolve their lives around them.

Parents need to focus on themselves too, For example, I came from a home where my dad is not always around; he's always at his job and only comes to visit once in a month while I was growing up. Yeah, to work on his dream, just because he has kids doesn't mean he should abandon his dreams and raise children, because afterall the dream is our source of income.

So, if need be, yes, parents should not necessarily sacrifice their dreams, but they should focus on it and find a way to work around it for the children and make them understand the situation that is happening.

What is your view of people who choose not to have children?

When we start understanding the word "freedom," it is then we will know that everybody is entitled to live the life they choose, I don't have any opinion against people who choose not to have children; it is normal in the human world to live by your choice, It is a free world, and everyone is entitled to live up to whatever they wish to.

But, to me, it just feels so wrong because what gives life itself purpose is children, What keeps us moving, especially when human beings get to old age, the only thing that keeps on moving is the fact that we know we have a part of us that is growing, and we want to see a better version of that in the future.


So, living a life without having children, is almost like you're just living for your own dreams, Nobody's in your care; you're just more of a redundancy to the surrounding, Whether life exists or not, nobody is relying on you, so it doesn't feel right to live without having children. It doesn't make life purposeful; you just exist, and that doesn't seem okay in my own opinion.

Do you consider that in order to be a mother or father, there must be ideal conditions (economic, social, physical, and mental health)? Why?

Yes, of course. For you to become a parent, to have to father a child or children, you must have something, maybe your financial capacity, your physicality, your mental awareness.

in a case where you yourself is not physically or financially fit yet, you can't just go out there and start giving birth and bringing things into the world that will be in your own care, It is unacceptable; it is not human enough.


The best time when to have children, is when you see yourself as physically fit, financially fit. Particularly financially fit, because it involves you taking care of the children, the upbringing costs a lot, and it is your choice. So, for anyone to consider the idea of having children, they must have these conditions in mind. Your finances must be there; your mental health must be in check, and you must be physically fit as a woman to give birth.


In conclusion, it is normal to want to raise children of our own, but at the same time, we must have some things in place. We don't just go on and say, "Okay, I think myself ready enough, now I'm ready to be a parent."

The world doesn't work like that. So, as not to put the innocent children at risk, or put them in an uncomfortable position, it is better to have things in order, You must be mentally fit, and financially fit at least.

You don't even need to be a wealthy man, at least be substantial enough to feed your child and the mother of the children as well. Thank you, everyone, for coming by the "Engagement Challenge," and I hope to see you on my next chapter. Goodbye.

I hereby invite @solexybaba and @josepha to took part in the contest.


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