in Colombia-Original3 years ago (edited)

Hello friends and family in this noble platform it is my pleasure participate in this contest by sharing with you as;


There was a beautiful family of five members. The family had a weak and old woman, a man and a wife, and two children, a boy and a girl. The old woman was the head of the family and she had only one son, a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.

The family had a lot of fun and was enjoying life to its fullest. As a family, all the five members used to have dinner together every day.

As days passed by, the health of the old woman gradually weakened. Her vision became very poor, she wasn‘t able to walk without support and her hands and legs were now trembling.


One day, while serving dinner, the old woman, whose hands and legs shivered and who couldn‘t see properly, spilt the food on the table. With shaking hands, she wasn‘t able to eat properly again. The food dropped on the table. The glass of milk also fell onto the table cloth.

Her own son and the daughter-in-law were very annoyed, as she messed up the dinner. She was not able to control herself by repeating it the next day as the old woman couldn‘t help herself.

Her son was irritated and his wife told him, ‘I can‘t bear this anymore. She spoiled the dinner again. We have to do something. ‘ Her husband agreed with her.


They set up a new table and chair in one corner of the hall and made her sit there to have her food every day. The old woman was not able to hold the food as she was very weak, and she broke a few pieces of the utensils. Her son gave her a wooden bowl so it would not break.

While the rest of them seemed to enjoy the meal at the same table, the old woman was in tears as she was eating her food alone. The old woman used to recollect the joyful memories of her family and hardly tolerated her current situation.

Days passed by and the old woman died calmly. After her funeral, they were cleaning the home. And the five year old girl uttered a few words to her elder brother, and the little boy replied with yes.

And they started searching for something and the parents noticed it. The father asked the children ‘What are you searching for?‘

The boy respectfully replied to him, ‘The wooden bowl which our grandma was using for her food!‘

He asked, ‘Why are you looking for it?‘

The mother told her husband, ‘They want to preserve it in memory of their grandmother!‘

Those children got the bowl!

And the girl asked her father, 'Dad, please can you buy one more bowl to add to this?'

The father was very surprised by the question. He asked, "Why did you ask son?‘

The girl said to the father, "As you can see, we have only one bowl. If you and mama get old, how can we feed you both in one bowl? So I am asking if you could buy another one for mama! ‘

The parents realized their mistake, but couldn‘t get forgiveness from the deceased old woman!Our actions follow us!


I will be very happy to invite @abdulrazak1 and @bravo3 to join us in this contest.

 3 years ago 

Hello @arimiyawu
I'm a bit confused, I don't know specifically which contest you are participating in, I must confess. In the community we have three contests, but you don't specify which one you are participating in.
The story you share has a strong message, I like it, but it is good to define the contests. Welcome to write in English, no problem with that.
But you need to be specific about the contest. Regards

Hi @josevas217
Ok I have done that

 3 years ago 

Yes, I noticed that you put in the title the name of the contest, only, as a recommendation, for the next opportunity, be more explicit in that, put somewhere in the post, maybe at the end, something like "this has been my participation in the 7th contest in the Original Colombia community.

But it is just a comment my friend.

Thank you very much

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