Steemit Engagement Challenge (Week2): REFLECTION OF STARS AND ITS TIME by @adylinah

in Colombia-Original2 years ago

Hello friends!
It another week and I am happy to join the steemit engagement challenge for week 2.
From the below art work, I will compose a story title;


The Story

Once upon a time, there lived a young boy named Jude who lost his parents at his young age. Life also gave him double dose of darkness by deforming him. After his parents' death, Jude moved to live with his uncle (Mr. George), his wife (Grace) and their son, Ken. When Jude moved in, Grace was unhappy because he was deformed and she considers him to be useless. She gives all the love to her son and punished the young Jude and wanted him out of her house without minding that he's living in the dark world without love and care.


One day, Ken went out for little job and earned money which he used in buying gold jewelry for his mom. Grace was so happy for receiving such a beautiful gift from her son and she prepared a nice meal for her son.
Later in the night, she said to her husband;

Honey, can you see how useful our son is to us? Unlike that your good for nothing deformed nephew you brought to this house

Mr. George was really fond of his wife and would do anything to please her.

He replied: Don't worry, my beautiful wife, if no one comes to take him away, I will personally kick him out or throw him to the street, that is what I will do. So please smile for me dearest wife.

Jude overheard the whole conversation between the couple, became very sad and left the house to his favorite spot where he normally sit down to watch the stars.
He sat down for hours talking to himself;

I am tired of this dark world, why can't I have even one star to sparkle my world just like the sky. The stars that were giving light to my dark parts left me all alone to join other stars in the sky, I miss my parents ( tears running through his eyes). Now my uncle and his wife wants me to leave the house, where do I go to, who will take care of a deformed boy like me? I have no parents! I am useless to this world, I just want to die!

While Jude was still talking to himself, a stranger came from behind and tapped gently on his shoulder.

She asked: little boy, why do you talk like that? No one is useless in this world, have hope that everything will be fine because there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Soon your own stars will reflect, it's not your time yet, just have hope okay? Take me to your uncle please, I want you to come and live with me.

Jude's uncle and the wife were so happy that he was leaving their house.
The strange woman took him to her house and said to him; Don't worry, I will teach you how to use your hands and also restore your legs.
The woman was herbs doctor. Many years later, Jude the deformed boy who had been living with this strange woman, learned how to also use herbs to cure different kinds of illness. He was able to walk well again because the woman cured him.
One day, Jude heard that the richest man in his town was suffering from unknown illness without cure. Jude find his way to the man's house to cure him. He was welcome because everyone was looking for solution on how to cure the man.
Jude gave him herbs to drink for three days and he was healed.

The rich man said: Young man, for you being my light in my darkest moment, I will share half of my wealth with you and adopt you as my son since I have none for 25 years of being married

Jude was in shock, he was crying tears of joy of having parents again.
He was grateful to the strange woman for leading him to his stars.
When his uncle and family heard about the rich man's offer to Jude, they were sad. They wished it was their son but couldn't have the courage to meet Jude and ask for forgiveness.
Jude's world was sparkling with lots of stars when it was the right time to reflect and he lived happily with his new parents.
The End! Thank you.


I invite my dearest friends to join the challenge;
@eliany @madilyn02 @goodybest @patjewell @esthyfashion.


In future I will also look at the stars as my measurement on when to start! :-)
Thank you for a wonderful story!
I've learned from your story to always expect the unexpected!

I'm glad you learnt something from my story, thank you!

Hello @adylinah, your story is very interesting, it shows that in this world there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, not all of us find someone rich who inherits a fortune, but life gives you virtues to obtain it.

Thank you so much for being kind with your words and for reading through.

There is no limit to what one can become in this life. The star is only the starting point for who ever gets the chance to his/her desired life.
It was a great win for Jude and a loss for his so called family.

No limit at all dear!
Thank you for reading through, I appreciate.

Wow. I love this

How I wish wishes come true like Jude's wish for a bright star did. I also hope people learn to to be good with people even though they are lowly, for tomorrow is pregnant and you never can tell what it will give birth to. Nice story line there @adylinah

I hope people learn too because no one actually knows tomorrow.
Thank you visiting my blog!

What a wonderful story full of lessons, truly it's good to be good, to treat everyone as humans there are not to look down on them because they are disabled. Well for Jude the bad that his uncle did him turns out to be a favor truly there's always light at the end of tunnel. Thanks for sharing with us here. I wish you success!

I appreciate you for reading through!
Looking down on people is really bad because no one knows what tomorrow holds.

This is an interesting story full of lessons. Apart from the few morales i have read from the comment section, i also have other little ones to add below:

  • Jude was humble, that was why he was able to listern to the stange woman who lead him to the rich man.

  • God doesnt forget the Ophans, he takes care of them.

  • It takes a second for our bad situations to switch, there is no need to over stress with thinking in this life.

  • If we are patience and humble, sooner or later, we would face a brighter future.

Thank you very much .y dear friend for this interesting storey😊.

Thank you for taking time to read through my story and also listing out the moral lessons.

I appreciate your support, always!

You are welcome my friend. If all steemians always read others posts, it will make alot of sense, we learn everyday😊.

Congratulations 🎊

Your post has been upvoted by The PERFECT seven - Arts Team member @eliany using steemcurator04 account, your efforts is appreciated keep making quality art posts, using #poetry #art #writing #handicraft


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