My Biggest dream In Life... A Writing & Reviews Contest Entry

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Today I have decided to enter into this contest by @belenguerra, @fendit & @writingnreviews about My Biggest dream In Life.

First of all, a little bit about what I wanted growing up, and what life is for me now...

Growing up, I always thought I would end up as a lawyer. This is primarily because I loved intellectual arguments, and reading was one of my favorite things back then.

Moreso, another reason was because many of our parents in this part of the world usually push their kids towards either of the popular professions; law, medicine, etcetera. Most of them simply wanting to refer to their kids as doctors or lawyers while having conversation with their peers. They hardly do care whether the kid is that good or not in that profession.

Anyways, long story short, I ended up studying philosophy, made a first class degree, and in another unlikely twist, I eventually ended up working as an advisory analyst in a Financial Institution. Who could have thought?

Here are a couple pictures of me in the office. Just a little pose for the camera eh...



So now, what do I consider my dream in life? The answer is quite simple really, and it resides in the phrase...


This is a phrase that has resonated with me all my life. From the struggles I watched my parents go through as a child; paying rents, striving to make ends meet, upkeep of the family, feeding, school fees, etcetera. I usually do ask myself if it ever will end someday.

At the end of the day, we only really need a few things.. Food to eat, a roof over our heads, and clothes to wear. Maybe a partner to love.

But the struggle to eventually get to grips with all of these necessities is the big issue... and so ever since I came of age, and had to work to provide all of these for myself, and for some of those loved ones who depend on me, I have always craved one thing... Peace Profound.

And what does Peace Profound mean for me exactly?

Simple... It means not having to live with the fear of failure, the fear for where the next meal will come from, the next pay day, fear of going broke at the event of a sickness of oneself, or a relative, the anxiety attacks, the worries...

A world where everything is simple, and where everyone loves the other, and where one has no worries for what tomorrow may bring.

Peace profound, that is it for me...

Just like those birds that hover in the sky without flapping their wings...

Maybe it is an imaginary dream, one that may never be. But it is mine nonetheless, and I will most likely keep on dreaming.

Here is another picture of me, to say thank you and good bye.

Till next time, Cheers!




Peace profound! That's quite a dream! Needless to say,it's already been established that the human needs are insatiable,these needs and desires are simply part of who we are. However,a man can dream! Thanks for sharing.

If only we had some satiable wants... But alas, we're only humans.

Thanks for reading my good friend. May peace profound find you, wherever you are.

Cheers 🥂

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much, my friend!!

Thank you for sharing in Writing and Reviews! Your post has been selected for today as part of the Steemit Communities support Program.
We appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.

We’d love to hear more from you!!


 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you @belenguerra
It is incredible, the work you're doing here on Steemit
I am one very grateful dude.

Cheers and God bless you. 🥂

In a turbulent and rat-raced society, what else can one ask for if not Profound Peace. I like your write-up.

Peace is all a man ever wants at the end of the day...

I'm pleased you enjoyed it bro.

Cheers 🥂

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