in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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There is a legend that when the Buddha, who went out to restore humanity, finally realized that he was the most free man of all, all the gods descended and prostrated themselves before the Buddha.

There is a change of position here. When God, who was previously thought to be greater, prostrates before a man who is considered lesser, man is declared greater.

This is truly human size. This is a human measure that has been rediscovered. The size of a living human being alive at this time is the largest in the universe.

And God was small in the beginning. Since such a small god bound a big human, humans had no choice but to experience painful violence. This is because the greater freedom is inevitably undermined when the greater is forcibly incorporated into the smaller.

God is the collective unconscious of a nation that has a certain living culture. One divinity can be said to be the spirit of nationality which is passed down from one nation, namely the heart of the nation. It is the heart that has become a legitimate psychological and grammatical structure that has a dominant influence on a nation.

That is, the unconscious is the structure, the structure is God, and God is the mind.

But it's not just a thought. The reason we use the distinction between subconscious and mind is because the concept of subconscious refers to past thoughts. So, the thoughts called God are thoughts of the past.

Past thoughts are inherited through memory.

At some point in the past, the way of reacting that provided utility for survival was remembered and passed on.

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But when thoughts of the past are useful is when the diversity of human experience is not as wide as today. The breadth of human experience that is open to the various present, unimaginable from the past, is no longer a condition for the mind of the past to operate effectively. It's like you can't eat all the food on the planet with the bottle you used when you were a baby.

Human experience is great, but thoughts of the past are small.

Furthermore, the human experience is getting bigger and bigger, but because the thoughts of the past are always the same, they become smaller and smaller.

In this way, when the mind of the past, which is always smaller than human experience, dominantly tries to embrace human experience, that is, when God tries to control man, violence of suffering occurs.

The mind of the past, which is believed to have survived, continues to operate as a permanent structure, although now it is never valid, this is God's activity, and God's violence.

So God Himself is synonymous with suffering.

However, to say that all gods are the gods of the nation, that is, the national spirit, is the same as saying that all gods are ancestral gods.

So, ancestors are the source of suffering.

Only our ancestors caused us to suffer.

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These words may not be immediately accepted by those who agree with the god, namely the national spirit of Confucianism. But it's not just Confucianism. All national spirits, that is, all ancestral spirits, are the main source of human suffering.

As the biased understanding of shamanism shows, ancestral spirits do not protect individuals. It does not make one happy enough to serve one's ancestors well.

On the other hand, individuals are violated by ancestors insofar as they serve their ancestors. He lost his freedom and became possessed, and he repeated the actions of his ancestors heterogeneously, and even misunderstood a figure like himself formed by voluntary free will.

The reason why this is happening is because, as we have said again, God is suffering.

Suffering is not only the reason why the smaller gods cause suffering by withholding larger humans, but the origin of God’s formation is also suffering.

There is suffering, and it is a deity passed down by way of acting that is believed to be useful for that suffering. In other words, God is the result of a specific response to suffering. Pain is definitely God's starting point.

So where there is pain, there is God.

 3 years ago 

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