World War 3

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


Agent Larry watched from his corner as the two world leaders shook hand and posed for the camera's after finally coming to an agreement. What the two world's leaders and the hundreds of news reporters in that building didn't know was that just a few minutes ago, that same building had almost been blown to pieces.

Larry's organization had received a last minute Intel on the Zazanga terrorist group wanting to bomb the place. The group knew if they successfully killed everyone in the building, most especially the two leaders, then both countries would go to war. And in the midst of that chaos, they would carry out their operations without anyone knowing its them.

Larry had immediately disappeared into the shadows when the tiny earpiece in his ear came to life. It was stupid to send just one man on such crucial mission but his superiors had wanted to keep this as low as possible. They couldn't risk the media picking a scent of what was happening, as any leak would cause panic. The panic alone could help the terrorists achieve their aim.

Locating the bomber had taken Larry six minutes, locating the bomb took half that time. All Larry had to do was to turn this man's bone in position they were never meant to be and he was squealing like a bitch.

Part of Larry's training had been to diffuse bombs. He wasn't the best man in that field but the timer on the bomb told him he was running out of time, fast. The timer had just sixty seconds left for it to go off and waiting for the bomb squad who were already on their way would take about a minute and half, not to talk of how they need to go around the building in other to avoid been seen by the press. So Larry brought out a tiny scissor he had in his pocket.

Luckily for him, the bomb looked like something that was made at the back of an electronic store so Larry could easily see the red, green and yellow wire. One of this wires, if cut could either stop the bomb from going off, or kaboom.

So Larry took a deep breath. His first instinct had been to go for the red wire but just as he was about to clip it, he stopped. Something wasn't right, the blue wire wasn't where it was suppose to be. It was as if someone swapped the position of the blue and red wire. Larry took a moment and studied the bomb again. The timer was now at seventeen seconds and yet the bomb squad still hadn't arrived. He had to do something. So Larry picked up his tiny scissor, said a silent prayer before going for a wire, the blue wire. He closed his eyes as he cut it, expecting to open his eyes and see himself somewhere in heaven but instead all he heard was nothing. The beeping sound coming from the explosive device as it got to three seconds could no longer be heard. Larry collapsed on the floor as he finally let out the breath he never knew he was holding. He had stayed at the scene until the bomb squad arrived and took the bomb away.

Larry looked at both leaders again as they both smiled for the camera. He slowly shook his head. “I just prevented a potential world War 3 and they have no idea about it.”


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