The Late Night Message

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


Both Mary and her son Victor stared at the phone on the dining table with fear. The message displaying on the phone seemed to be the cause of their fear as both mother and son refused to go near it.

The previous night, Victor had been on WhatsApp, trying his best to convince Hannah, a girl from school to go out on a date with him. It took a while but Hannah finally agreed to go out on one date with him. Victor knew that was all he needed to get her to be his girlfriend, he was that confident.

He was still celebrating his little win when he heard the notification tone of his phone, indicating that he had a new text. He quickly went after his phone, thinking it was Hannah but got disappointed as it turned out to be a number that wasn't even saved on his phone.

The strange number had claimed to be his cousin. Victor didn't know any of his cousins with the name Chris but he has shrugged it off. He did have a lot of cousins and this probably was one of them. Before Victor went to bed that night, he made a mental to ask his mom about Chris especially during their chat, Chris had talked so much about their childhood, things Victor no longer remembered.

But it had slipped Victor’s mind until dinner the next day when he finally mentioned the chat to his mom. The expression on his mom's face had told him that something wasn't right.

“You did have a cousin whose name was Chris and the two of you were inseparable but Chris and his sister, Joy died in a car when you were about three years old and there's no way you can remember him” Mary had said to her son before asking him to show her the text but to Victor’s amazement, the text was nowhere to be found. He searched everywhere on his phone but couldn’t find it. He was still looking for it when a new text popped up on his phone and he immediately threw the phone on the dining table.

Mary took one look at her sons' phone and she immediately knew the reason for his terror. Displaying on her sons phone was a new text from a strange number and it said “Hey Victor, it’s your cousin Joy”.


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