The Good Robber

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

That evening when Evans got out of his home for his usual evening run, he had no idea how wild his evening would turn out to be. And yet here he was, the day after the robbery and he still didn't know if he should go to the police to report what he had seen or not.


Evans has taken his usual route that evening, music jamming out of his airpods as sweats poured out of his body. Everything was as it should be until he got to the road that led to the bank. You see, Evans has always avoided increasing the volume of his songs to the highest, that way he could tell when a vehicle is horning behind him. So when the shots were fired inside the bank, he had heard it loud and clear.

And like everyone else who was outside the bank, Evans had ran for cover. He had stayed there for about three minutes when he noticed a man coming out of the banks back door with what looked like bags filled with money. The man had no idea Evans was hiding somewhere behind him so when he took of his mask, he had revealed his identity to Evans.

Evans first thought had been to wait for the police and tell them all he had seen, if possible even give them a sketch but he had decided instead to follow the man. It would be easier and faster for the cops to arrest the criminal if he told them how the man looked and where he lived. He immediately flagged down a cab and asked him to follow the man's car.

But Evans had been surprised when instead of the man going to an isolated building where he probably lived, he had instead gone to an orphanage home. The man had parked his car and carried the cash he had with him into the orphanage home and then twenty minutes later, some women had accompanied him outside while thanking him for his generous donation. The man had repeated this process for at least three more orphanages before Evans decided he had seen enough asked the cab driver to take him home. What he had just witnessed had touched him so hard that he no longer felt like carrying out his initial plan of reporting the man to the police, instead he felt like giving the man a medal especially when he realized that no one had been hurt at the bank. The two shots fired had been just to scare the guards from trying anything funny.

Evans found himself in a tough spot the next day as he watched the news, what was he supposed to do?

Would you rather tell the truth and watch hundreds of kids starve or would you rather say nothing and watch the owners of this stolen money cry?


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