The boss

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


Eric said nothing other than stare at the gun been pointed at him by his boss, Canice. He knew there was no way he was getting out of this alive. Canice was well known for his brutality and unforgiving personality, so Eric had only one wish.

For the past fifteen years Eric had worked for Canice, he had always prayed that none of Canice’s enemies would sniff him out of the shadows where he was hiding. He knew Canice had a lot of enemies and he knew what they would do to him if they knew he was working for the man who probably had caused them so much pain in every way possible.

But it didn’t take long for Eric to know that God never heard his prayers. He had gotten home one night only to see his wife looking terrified. Her source of fear was soon known to him after he saw a man sitting on his chair with a gun in his hand pointed right at Eric. Another man who also had a gun in his hand was in charge of making sure his wife and kid didn’t make a sound.

They had come for one thing and had promised to leave without causing any hand to him or his family if he cooperated. Eric had thought about it and decided that saving his family at the moment was the most important thing to him, so he gave them what they wanted, he gave them Canice location.

As both men left his house that night, Eric prayed for one thing, that their mission was successful. Because he knew what would happen to him and his family if Canice survived and came after them.

Later that night, Eric heard of the attack on Canice place but all his effort to know if Canice had been killed was futile, so he decided to wait and watch. But after about a month without hearing words from Canice, Eric decided he must have been killed and his body hidden. But about a week later, he was kidnapped and blindfolded at the car park when he was about entering his car. When the blindfold was finally taken off, the face he saw almost stopped his heart.

Standing right in front of him was Canice, with a shotgun pointing right at him. Eric first impression had been to act dumb but one look at Canice face and he knew his boss already knew all he needed to know. So as he stared at the gun, he had just one last wish, that his wife and kid were left unharmed.


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