Day of Reckoning

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


Tayo's head hung in shame as he shamefully walked out of the restaurant. Both Angela and Benita made a mockery of him as everyone in the restaurant laughed to their satisfaction. It was as if everyone was against him but he knew he had earned such embarrassment. He had let his guard down and this was the repercussion for it. He had disobeyed a rule in the "playboy's book of rules" and that had caused him two beautiful women.

Both Benita and Angela relaxed back on their seat and filled their glasses. The waiter had made sure Tayo paid for the drinks before he left and there was no way they were going to let it waste. Besides, this was a moment they both needed to celebrate. The lying cheat they both knew as Tayo was finally out of their lives and for good.

“But I must confess, you're such a genius for coming up with such a plan” Benita said to Angela who joking bowed her head as if saying "You're welcome"

“If I had been the one who saw those text messages, I would have freaked out.” Benita continued, she recalled how a strange number had called her some few weeks ago. The person had claimed that she was Tayo's girlfriend and that she knew Tayo was cheating on the both of them with the both of them. She had asked for the both of them to meet before ending the call, but not before she warned Benita not to say a word of what she learnt to Tayo.

When both ladies finally met, it had taken some intimate pictures of Angela and Tayo to convince Benita that Tayo wasn't the loyal boyfriend she thought he was. The lazy bastard didn't even have the strength to send different goodnight messages, he duplicated the same text and sent to the both of them.

Benita's first instinct had been to confront him but Angela has told her she had a better plan instead.

“Confronting him means we both would be leaving that relationship empty handed. We need to gather as much as we can from him before dumping his ass” Angela had made Benita see reasons with her that day before both ladies parted ways.


A month after that meeting and Tayo decided to take Benita out for lunch. But fifteen minutes into the lunch, Benita excused herself and went into the ladies toilet. About five minutes later, Tayo was beginning to wonder if something was wrong when he saw someone at the door of the restaurant that almost made him choke on his food. He tried to hide but it was too late. Angela already saw him and was already walking towards him.

“A colleagues had asked her to meet her there” was the reason she told Tayo for being at the restaurant. Then she quickly said goodbye to him and went in search for her “colleague.” Tayo, who had been sweating all this while wiped the sweat with an handkerchief while thanking his god for saving him from the disaster that almost befell him because about two minutes after Angela left, Benita walked out of the toilet.

But Tayo must not have said his prayers properly because about ten minutes later, he saw Angela walking back into the restaurant. His heart stopped as she got to their table. But nothing compared to the shock on his face when he realized that both women knew each other and in fact Benita had been the colleague she had come in search for. Afterwards, both women had made sure to bring down hell on Tayo before he was asked to leave the restaurant but not before he paid his bills.

The people at the restaurant applauded both women for choosing to fight together against the cheat than to fight against each other. Both women took another sip from their glasses, the day had been a good day.


 3 years ago 

Hahahah... Rules of a playboy 🤣🤣

I enjoyed reading.

 3 years ago 

Thank you.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing in Writing and Reviews!

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 3 years ago 

Thank you so much.... I really appreciate.

Enjoy reading your short story. The guy got what he deserves.

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