The Diary Game || 03.06.21 A lot of problems solved

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


Today brings a lot of solutions for long-term problems. It's a relief to not have to worry about a few things which didn't let me sleep for a while. Funny, that all my childhood I was waiting for being an adult and now, when I have all that responsibilities and nobody to guide me, I'm wondering sometimes how to reverse time and become a child again ;)


Not every company wants to sell insurance to the travellers and we need it like everyone else. What if that caymans would bite me? 🤠

First solved the problem: I found an affordable insurance company that agrees to sign a contract with me, even though I still don't have Argentinian documents.

Being without any insurance, especially these days is like Russian roulette. I can't even think about all the risk I put myself on being without any insurance and, being sick with Covid-19 at the same time (I got sick around a month ago, luckily quickly I got better). Unfortunately, not every insurance company wants to help foreigners without documents and even if they do - usually the price is much higher.

Thanks to help of my friend, tomorrow in the morning we are going to sign the contract. We will be paying for the insurance approx. 5 SBD monthly (15 SBD per family). For me, it's a lot, but still - less than in any other place and if there is one thing I'm not going to save the money on, it's health.


Im trying to get Argentinian visa since over a year. Finally there is a hope I'll have it soon

I mentioned some time ago that as a foreigner I couldn't get an Argentinian visa because Migraciones wanted me to have a local bank account and banks didn't let me open an account without a visa. We were trying to solve it somehow for months, finally gave up and used the professional help of the lawyer.

Yesterday, the lawyer informed us that they agreed with Migraciones that we can prove our income by sending the money via Western Union. We will send money from the Polish bank account to ourselves just to prove we have enough to survive here. It's great because to do it, we can use any income, including money earned on Steemit. No need to prove the income by work contract, like in some countries.

Steemit Weekly

Like with every project - success of "Steemit Weekly" depends on many people. It cannot be done alone. Luckily, there are already some people who want to do it together

On steemit, there is big progress too. I created the community and gained 40 active users in 3 days, I announced first contests ( contest for the best article and join "Steemit Weekly" contest )
and, the most important, contacted with admins of selected groups to offer them partnership.

Already five admins agreed to join me in this project, three declined, few didn't reply yet. Although it would be perfect to have nine communities in the project, five is already enough to make it work, so I'm really happy.

Communities that joined:

  • Venezolanos Steem
  • Steemit Pakistan
  • Zero to Infinity
  • Steem Challenge
  • TravelFeed

More about the project here

Other good news

Happy papi.mati = silly papi.mati 😋

Did you know that reading a lot of good news can make us feel better? Let's make this day even more positive. You already should be quite happy because of my insurance, visa, and community but after that news, you will get super excited:

My boyfriend was today first time at work, so it's confirmed - he is hired. I believe I don't have to mention how difficult it is to not work, so I'm very happy.

I know how I felt before joining Steemit: I was unable to provide basics to my familwhichhat was making me stressed, frustrated. It also lowered my self-esteem, because no matter how hard I was trying to, I couldn't get the job. Work is not only about the income, often it's about our mental health and self-esteem. I'm not gonna lie, income is kinda important too though. It's not about being rich, but about not worrying about the nearest future.

That would be all good news from me.
What is the nicest thing which happened to you today?
Share it with me in the comment.
It can be even the smallest thing like a smile of a stranger on the street or a tasty meal. Let's make steemit full of positive energy all together!

10% of income from this post goes to @adollaraday
@pennsif was writing about this organization in here.


Thank you so much for supporting @adollaraday

Thanks for that great initiative. I'll be sharing 10% of income from most of my posts. Good luck!

Felicidades amigo @papi.muerto, que tengas éxitos en todos tus planes y proyectos.

Hola @papi.mati !
He leído tu post y en verdad me alegra por ti que muchas cosas se estén resolviendo. Pienso que una actitud positiva y con corazón alegre siempre da buenos resultados y si de pronto no sucede, al menos tenemos buena actitud frente a los problemas. En mi país #venezuela hay un viejo dicho que reza "Al mal tiempo, buena cara" y claro que debe ser así ya que cuando la vida nos sonría nos encontrará acorde con ella. Creo que primeramente esta Dios por sobre todas las cosas y si confiamos en Él, verdaderamente nos ayudará en todo, siempre que las cosas que queramos sean para bien.
Para mi, cada día es un maravilloso regalo de Dios y lo aprecio; un día fresco y lluvioso es un motivo de alegría para mi, tal como amaneció hoy en el lugar donde vivo. Amo la lluvia, los animales, la naturaleza y la amistad sincera.
Que Dios te bendiga te ayude siempre.
Muchos saludos desde #Montalban-Venezuela!


#ewopercent #venezuela #affable

sí, estoy de acuerdo contigo en que la actitud positiva es muy importante. Nuestros pensamientos y comportamiento tienen un gran poder para cambiar nuestro estado de ánimo y el estado de ánimo de las personas que nos rodean. Cuando sonríes, todo el mundo sonríe contigo, como dice la gente.

Eso es algo muy pequeño, pero me gusta estar de pie frente al espejo todas las mañanas y ser algo agradable para mí. Pocas palabras, como "¿qué pasa guapo?" o "estás haciendo un gran trabajo recientemente. Estoy orgulloso de ti". Eso realmente ayuda a sentirnos siempre satisfechos con todo lo que tenemos y hacemos.

¡Abrazos para ti!

#affable #argentina #onepercent #twopercent

felicidades ojala tus sueños se cumplan


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 56477.82
ETH 2390.38
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.33