Wonder Woman 1984 Movie Review


I am a big fan of both DC and Marvel movies and series. To tell you the truth though, up until now Marvel has done a pretty good job with their movies and series. For me, they are on a whole other level than DC, so DC needs to step up their game. One of the good movies that DC had under their portfolio, at least for me, was Wonder Woman.

The film was well written, with great visuals and fight scenes and the acting was perfect. That is the reason it's rating on imdb is 7.4 although i would be a little more generous and would probably say it deserves a 7.5. What? i said a little!

Because i like to talk with numbers, Wonder Woman (2017) was the most profitable superhero movie of 2017. They managed to earn 252 million and that is the profit!!! This huge success led of course to another film for the popular superhero which is the one i am gonna review right away.

Generic Info


Wonder Woman 1984 is a film that came out in late December, 25 December of 2020 to be exact. The director and the writer is Patty Jenkins who also directed the first film. Additional writers are Geoff Johns and Dave Callaham

The stars of the show are without a doubt Gal Gadot in the role of Wonder Woman and Chris Pine in the role of Steve Trevor. 2 additional lead characters are Barbara Minerva played by Kristen Wiig and Maxwell Lord played by Pedro Pascal.



So the movie starts with Diana when she was a young girl and was racing actual women, almost winning all of them. It shows has how fearless Diana is and at the same time the big lesson she learns about Truth. After those scenes, which by the way are awesome visually, we are set in 1984 in Washington D.C. which is the era Diana lives.

She has lost Steve and she feels lonely in the world. Her only wish is to have him back, she is also doing some superhero work along the way but with her identity hidden. She is also working as an n archaeologist at the Smithsonian with expertise in ancient artifacts.

Then a new co-worker arrives named Dr. Barbara Minerva, who is a nerdy one that none is paying attention to her. Those 2 become friends and later on Barbara finds a weird stone that she has to determine its origin. Diana tries to help as well and apparently, others are looking for that stone.

A supposedly rich guy who wants to be the benefactor of the museum enters the building. His name is Maxwell Lord a fake oil tycoon promising prosperity to the masses. He is searching for that stone and believes that according to the myth the stone can actually grant wishes if you touch it.

Sooner or later everyone makes a wish, touching the stone without knowing of the powers. Barbara wishes that she was like Diana, confident, strong, sexy. Diana wishes for her man back and Lord wishes that he can grant every wish or something like that.

Turns out that doing a wish you take something but you give something as well. Lord becomes obsessed with the power and needs everyone to wish for something, Barbara becomes sexy and strong and slowly turns into Cheetah and Diana along with Steve trying to save the world.

What i Liked & What i Didn't


I really liked the acting of everyone. We are talking about some awesome actors that did the best they could. Sadly the writing was poor and even though they tried their best the outcome was quite mediocre. Especially the role of Lord was too "stupid" if you ask me. The actor who also played the Mandalorian (so you get how good he is) did his best but sadly the character had no reason for existence.

Another thing i like was the visual. As always it was stunning, both the visuals in general as well as the visuals/graphics of the fight scenes. Sadly, though we had some scenes that were quite stupid, to be honest, and made the whole film feel like a joke.

Let me explain, at some point, mostly everyone was making a wish and the wish was granted. Some wished for money, loved ones, luxury things etc etc. Ah someone wished for a death! Having all those billions wishing, wasn't just 1 that wished for everyone to die for example? I highly doubt that there was none and if it was, shouldn't that be a paradox?

Also, you know how spiderman uses his web to go from one building to the other right? Well, the exact same did wonder woman, with her "rope" from plain to thunder and then to another thunder. Yeah, i am not joking she actually did that.


My Rating

Imdb Rating 5.4/10

My Rating 5/10

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