in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone !

i @arslan.aslam9 share with you my theatre play story with complete script. hope you guys enjoy ready.


Narration and script is not fully complete my steemit family if you really enjoy let me know in comments for whole script... Thanks


One Liner Or Narration.

This Is The imaginary Love Story Between A girl And A boy Who is in her dream. In this play we have a female character name Sheila. who is living all her time in the dream and imaginations. Her faith, I have a dream boy who love me all the time and care me very much. John Taylor is a Sheila's father who is a retired army man. He is only one man who take care of his house and family. John is a old emotional man, very strict for others. An old lady name Anna Bramwell is john's mother and Sheila's grandmother. She is on the wheel-chair because she had a car accident, result she lost her legs. She is very humble, loving, down to earth. Alex Richard perform a post-man character in this play who deliver posts, letters in the town. These are the main characters in this play. Some supporting characters are Sheila's childhood friend Sarah. Uncle James, john's close friend and family terms with him. Dr.phillips Also a john's close friend. A Spanish guy character Chris. We have two backbone character Right and Left.

Sheila looking for a true love but she is living all her time in a dream. someone post a letter to Sheila but the sender never disclose his name in the letter and the result of lettering Sheila read it and get into dream or imagination. Talking with him all the time. one day Sheila's father tell her about her marriage that i invite my friend on tomorrow dinner and we decide the date of your marriage with his son. When he came Sheila create some trouble in front of them, after they are going back john angry and ask to Sheila what is your problem tell me now. Sheila break silent and speak that i love someone. john asked, who is the boy? where he lived? what is his name? … I actually i don't know Sheila replied.. what do you mean you don't know. ''john'' . Sheila going her room..... answer my question what's wrong with you …. Next day john call a newspaper agency to add a advertisement about her daughter's lover.... Result of the add. a plenty of boys claim that i am the lover.... the same situation goes on, at the end the lover who sent her latter and love her so much came...… but john and Sheila refuse his claim........

Now that boy start a Monologue about the true love....

Script & Dialogue

 (Play start with a music track ''SUNRISE" and everyone take a part in the mimes)


Father: Oh' my princess ! GOD bless you.

Daughter: Daddy, your cap , tie....

Father: okay, thanks, so, tell me what is your plan?

Daughter: plan for what.

Father: you wanna' study more or take some rest.

Daughter: well, i have no plan yet.

Father: then what you do now?

Daughter: i live my own life

Father: live is too short

Daughter: then we'll enjoy this short time, daddy'

Father: time is not for enjoyment

Grandmother: well said, my son , time is not for enjoyment. time priceless. time is precious. time is a game. time cannot wait for you, you just wake up on time, work on time, time rotate itself again and again and again. this word is a game of time, where,' if you win then this world is yours.....

Father: exactly, this is, what i mean.

Daughter: okay, okay , .... (ring the door bell) actually i want....

Father: okay we discuss later go inside... hello john, how are you ?

John: well i'm fine, you say.

Dr. : i'm good, i just going to hospital, before i gone; i thought, say good day to Anna. hoe are you miss Anna?

Anna : now i'm feeling good, but the medicine is too hard for me. i'm above 60' now and do nothing for my health.
before this; i do exercise a lot. but unfortunately my son at the end i'm on this wheel chair.

Dr. : oh; please, do not think about the past. if this is hard for you i will change it don't worry, and be happy always.

Anna: GOD bless you ; my son.

Dr. : then okay john bye .

John: yeah; sure, i'm also go to outside for some work

Dr. : let's go.


Sarah: hey, my queen how are you ?

Anna: look at me ! okay i'm fine. ''sheila'' ! ''sheilaa'' where are you ? sarah, take me inside i want to take some rest.

Sheila: yes ! yes ! .. oh; sorry sorry .. okay let me...oh sarah today i'm very happy.

Sarah: what happened ?

Sheila: you know?

Sarah: no, tell me, why are you so happy.

Sheila: you know, i had a dream last night

Sarah: what is it ?

Sheila: i'm with my dream boy.

Sarah: oh; come on.

Sheila: yeah! i think this will be true very soon, this will be very special for me

Sarah: oh; sheila dream is just a dream nothing else.

Sheila: don't say like that please, i'm very happy.

Sarah: okay tell me about your dream.

Sheila: well, a boy with ; i think 6fit tall, he is looking very smart like prince , he take me out side and we walk alone hand and hand.

        (Sheila perform a mime on the music track ''before i fall'')

Sarah: i wish it cloud be true

Sheila: defiantly ! it will be true.

Sarah: okay sheila i want go now.

Sheila: okay bey and pray for my prince.

Sarah: yeah! sure.

(Ring the bell)

Postman: this is for shaila.

Sarah: okay i will give it to sheila.

Postman: thank you so much.

Sheila: who is there ? sarah

Sarah: sheila a letter for you, by a post.

Sheila: is this for me

Sarah: yes! postman said this is for sheila. open it may be this is from your prince

Sheila: okay....

Sarah: come on, open it

Sheila: oh GOD ! sarah ....oh there is no name from sender....

Sarah: leave it, just read the letter.

Sheila: Dear ! sheila ! this my first ever word to you dear, can i calll you dear.

Sarah: okay next

Sheila: that's it....

Sarah: just..... then how we know about the sender, your prince.

Sheila: i don't know about this. shall we find him.

Sarah: do not worry about this, just wait for next letter.

Sheila: hope ! he could send me again...

Sarah: yes! hope for the best; okay its too late now, bye bye....

Sheila: bye...

  (Anna, calling sheila from back stage, post-man deliver something to the character left and right, at that time-frame sheila come back on stage, on the sofa and go in her imagination)

Sheila: who are you ? and why you call me dear?

Voice: i am the only one, who love you so much..

Sheila: my father , family and friends love me too.

Voice: this is a soul-full love....

Sheila: what is your name? i mean what i call you?

Voice: your dream ! the true story of your dream.

Sheila: how much you love me ?

Voice: i cannot explain my love, in some kind of words.

Sheila: then how?

Voice: close your eyes, and feel the emotion of love .....only you and me ..

  (Music start and they are perform a mime)

Grandmother: (entered) sheila...sheila....(sheila still is in her imaginations)

Sheila: oh yes ...yes...

Grandmother: what are you doing? i'm calling you

Sheila: nothing.... why you call me.....

Grandmother: look at the clock? what is the time?

Sheila: it's 12'

Grandmother: now give the medicine....

Sheila: oh i'm really sorry ; how i forget to give you medicine on time.

Grandmother: you just forget, or something else...

Sheila: nothing else...

Grandmother: sure.

Sheila: yeah sure... okay tell me, what is dream?

Grandmother: Dream is something very special in a person's life. Dream involved in everyone's life who live in the world. sometime it's your affection, imaginations, thoughts, intentions, your aims. sometime it could be the blessing from GOD. dream comes when you are sleep and when you are not sleep, it click your mind and tell something to you. some dream comes true and sometime it is the part of your history.

Sheila: (thinking something)

Grandmother: what are you thinking?

Sheila: nothing..

Grandmother: so.....

Sheila: okay leave it , let's go inside.....

Grandmother: okay fine, but tell me first about your dream....

Sheila: okay, i'll.


John: welcome to my house.

James: my friend you were same , i think we met ages ago.....

John: i'm always the same, nothing change in my attitude.

James: where is Anna and sheila ?

John: i think they are inside in her rooms.

James: it's okay, what is you feeling now, as you were not a armyman anymore.

John: my feeling was not good in early time, but now i'm happy. and you ?

James: After retainment, i went back to my old village and start working as a former on my own fields.

John: that's great, at least you do something, i do nothing just spend my life...

James: don't be silly okay. tell me about phillips?

John: he is fine. i think he is on tha way i invited him already.

Sarah: hey ! i think you forget.

John: what?

Sarah: today it's shaila's birthday...

John: no, no, i remember and that's why i call my best friend,

Sarah: oh that's great...

John: listen..

Sarah: yes..

John: don't disclose our plan, it's surprise for sheila.

Sarah: don't worry..

John: (on the phone call) yes! i place the order, yes it's a birthday cake coated with black chocolate...... yea, sheila...
S.H.E.I.L.A. okay thanks i'm waiting.....<,> phillips look who is there james...

Dr.phillips: oh, james are alive.

James: defiantly i'm alive.

Dr. : i thought you are not exist anymore in this world.

James: oh, please phillips don't say like this i am very busy in those days..

Dr. : yeah! we know your busy life.

James: okay how was your day? and what are you doing in these days.

Dr. : well the day was good, just plan to build own hospital,

James: that's great phillips.

Dr. : john shell we celebrate now?

John: of course

Grandmother: celebrate without me.....

  (both James and Philips ; without you our celebration never complete)

Grandmother: let it be.... how are you my son> it had been a long time.

James: I'm perfect ! you seems healthy now.

Grandmother: may be...

John: Sarah come here.

Sarah: yes

John: when we close the lights, you are coming back with Sheila..

Sarah: okay, done....

  (fade off) 

this is it, if you guys really want to know the thrill after fade in then leave comment below and show some support for writer.

special mention here
@fendit @belenguerra @writingnreviews

Writer @arslan.aslam

Achievement 1 my introduction post

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