
Creativity: it is defined as the ability to use ones imagination to produce ideas or products useful to the society. I believe this is the core value or foundation of every steemit community to make manifest the creativity of its members through competitions and essay writing. I believe the steemit community understands the impact of being creative. This brings out the best in each individual as they reach out to their deeper minds trying to bring their imaginations to life either in form of art works or literary publications. To give a deeper understanding of why I believe the core foundation of steemit is built on creativity look at the competitions and essay put forth in the various communities, they are solely based on how creative one can be e.g This depicts steemit ideology in creativity as the building block of its essence.

Connectivity: it is the ability to connect. Steem connects people of different background together which I believe is the essence of communities where people all over share their ideas, beliefs and lifestyle. Friendships and great relationship have been formed as a result of the connectivity of steem. This gives people a sense of belonging, a conducive environment to outpour their thoughts and feelings and it also brings people who share the same similarities together. I have been able to connect with a lot of people through steem like @alphafx who was recently appointed a professor in crypto academy likewise @awesononso, @ezege 1. Surprisingly these folks happen to be in my school. That is the power of connectivity.

Discipline: Another core value of steem as the fight against plagiarism is pushed forward. This is very important because plagiarism kills creativity. From my observation I have noticed that certain techniques in steemit for example in making posts the organization of ones work is a discipline which steem emphasizes on. In steem disorganization is a red line and for one to be organized he/ she must be disciplined. To sum it up zero tolerance to indiscipline promotes the life span of steem communities which is something I applaud.

Financial freedom: An Igbo adage says aka aja aja na-ebute only mmanu mmanu( a working hand generates income). At steemit laziness is not tolerated cause for one to be paid you must work for it. A good work is reward with huge pays and steem being a virtual currency with a not so gift market supply that is a huge advantage. That dream car, house, vacation or accessories can be afforded with steem. This is a huge success in the area of finance. Steem gives poverty a run for its life as long as one is dedicated and works hard.

Diversity: Steem is very diverse as it is not secluded to a particular race, tribe, nation or religion. It is open to everyone irrespective of where you come from. It also promotes equality where everyone is given equal opportunity to grow to whatever extent. It is non- discriminatory as it gives no room for discrimination. The diversity of steem has been a huge success that should be emulated and replicated.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
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ETH 2572.65
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80