Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Movie Review

in Writing & Reviews4 years ago

justice league.jpg


Finally, a few days ago, Zack Snyder's Justice League was released on HBO Max, a release that I have been waiting for a long time, it is not surprising since this event is on everyone's lips, recently I was able to watch it yesterday, it is quite long with a duration of approximately four hours and I would like to write to you what I think of the film, has it really been worth so much waiting? Has Snyder done a good job this time? I would like to emphasize that everything said below is merely my opinion, let´s begin.

This movie begins exactly where Batman V Superman ended, with the death of Superman, Superman's screams activated some boxes possible to destroy the entire world, these boxes are sought by Steppenwolf and Darkseid, the main villains of the entire film, this is when Batman begins to gather metahumans with different powers to help him save the planet from impending danger.



Something that I must mention that I loved about the whole movie is that each hero in the League has their moment to shine, since certainly each one has a good role to fulfill, it is true that some were left out argumentatively, that's because those heroes already had their own origin movie, for example, what I'm describing happens with Aquaman, but still, he has its own moments in the movie and some deepening.

On the other hand, characters that do not have their own film of origin, with whom we could not feel any empathy, are very well explained, the film takes a lot of time to introduce them and give them their own character development as happened with Cyborg. In Justice League by Joss Whedon, Cyborg has no relevance whatsoever, you can't feel any empathy between the viewer and the character since we don't know anything about him, so he turned out to be a pretty boring character, however, in this version of Zack Snyder, it changes, since Cyborg is a very important character through the film, he is delved very well, even having a pretty good character development through the film.

There are characters like Barry Allen who are superficially deepened, we are introduced to the background of the character but without reaching too much depth, so that we only know the basics and still, he takes very epic moments during the film like the whole last act.



Everything I just said, that the film takes its time to introduce its characters, is achieved thanks to its duration of four hours, to many people the duration may seem exaggerated and that even many moments were filler, but as for me, I felt that those four hours were correct, I prefer to see something long and slow but well developed than something short and fast with a terrible development. Despite lasting four hours, the film has a very good pacing, at no time did I feel bored or that things were taking too long, the film knows how to keep you intrigued and thanks to the many action scenes, everything is very bearable.

The film has a lot of action, that is undeniable and it is of very good quality, they are very well-managed action choreographies which built a very good atmosphere of tension, I personally am not a lot of action films, even that, I liked them a lot. Of course, something that I think could be better is the slow motion, I feel that it was too used and even in scenes that were not really necessary, many times the slow motion and the action scene made very good chemistry but other times it felt very unnecessary , it is not something that will ruin the experience but I think it is something that should be mentioned.

One last thing I will mention is that I like the film adopted a somewhat more mature tone and I am not saying this because of its color palette, I say it because there is blood, many deaths and even dismemberments, it´s not frequent to watch things like I mentioned in super heroes movies so I welcome it.



The truth is that I don't have much more to say, I think that even if you didn't like the movie, you should be glad that it happened, since it is further proof that users have a voice and that they do raise it enough, things like this can happen, do not underestimate your voice and raise it, make yourself heard as Zack Snyder and his fans did. Little remains for me to say, despite having lasted four hours, I enjoyed it quite a bit, it has a good pacing and each character has its purpose, I like that the comedy in this movie does not feel so silly and in general, it is an incredible improvement Regarding the 2017 movie, you could really say that they are even different movies, I totally recommend watching it and a round of applause to Snyder for what he has been able to achieve.

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