Hello writing and review community !

i am glad to participate in this communities contest , My name is @alhajibabajnr from Ghana in the west african region , living in the Northern part of Ghana call Navrongo .
i will like to express myself in terms of my Religion .




Islam acording to the Quran is the religion of Allah and the last fromat of worship that came to the world though the prophet muhammed (SAW) in the 7th century . Islam per the book means total submition to the will of Allah , the word was derived form an arabic word called Salam which means peace .

in Islam we believe in on God which is Allah , the word "Allah" is simply an arabic way of saying God , we believe also in judgement day , which is mentioned in the Quran as the accountability day.

One thing in islam is that we believe Allah sent so many prophet , which the Quran mentioned their names an say no one shall see heavens if you disbelieve in them (QURAN 4:59) ,and among all this prophet the last and the one who came to seal the prophetwood was prophet Muhammed (SAW) .

Finaly the followers of Islam are called in Muslims , and one shall be called a muslim when he or she believes in the oneness of Allah and that the prophet Muhammed is his messenger .

There are five main pillars that hold the religion of islam these are :

  1. Kalima shahada : the oneness of Allah

  2. performing prayers

  3. giving Zakat : charity or alms giving

  4. Fasting in Ramadan

  5. Visiting mecca to worship arround the kaaba

among these pillars the first four are compulsory but the 5th one is optional to the poor but if you have money it becomes a duty and mandatory .


this is the greatest man to have ever set foot on earth .he was born in 571 AD , in Saudi Arabia to a man called Abdellah and Aminat his mum , the islamic religion was brought to us through this noble man .

Prophet muhammed was born an orphan and was breast feeeded by several women , he got the first revelation in 610 AD where angel Gabriel ( Malaikatul Jibril ) visited him and ask him to read , he was ignaorant and an illiterate but Allah compelled him to read ( QURAN chapter 96 ) .
After this he continued to recieved many revelations and started preaching from the age 613 AD .

Muhammed traveled from meccah to medina with all his subordinates (khalif) in (622 AD ) this was the HIJIRA the begining of the Islamic Calender , from the hijira were islam took over medina they return back to meccah to conquer all the disbelievers and took over the holy city .

prophet encounted so many difficulties including wars , family rejections before Islam dominated the Arabic Nations and now Islma is seen to be the fastest growing religion in the workd with about 1.8 billion members
the prophet died in 632 AD in mecca .


Immediately the death of prophet muhammed was annouced the muslims arround were all fustrated until Abubakar one of the khalif read loudly a revelation that was made to the prophet before his death, he said " Who ever among you think muhammed is God then he is dead but those who think he was a messenger to us and his lor Allah remains with us then prophet muhammed is not dead " Quran 39:3 .

the the entire croud was quite and Abubakar was chosen as the leader of Islam , untill his death where Umar took over an after umar it folows this way

  • Uthman
  • Ali

the khalifate system ended and islam was controled by some great imams which are :

  • Abu Hanifa
  • Malik
  • Shafi
  • Hanbal

these led to several division in the religion some of which are , Sunnah , Tijania , Shiaa , Wahabis ,Ahmadia etc , before the departure of the prophet he stated tha when he lives Islam shall be devided in 77 only one will be thr righteous , in my best knowledge i say those who believes in the holy book and follow the behabiour of the prophet shall enter paradise .

in conclusion i will like to thank the writing and review team leaers ,@belenguerra, @writingnreviews & @fendit fro this great contest .

thank you

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing in Writing and Reviews! Your post has been selected for today as part of the Steemit Communities support Program.
We appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.

We’d love to hear more from you!!


i am glad to be here as well

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Great post, thank you for sharing with us and taking part in the contest!

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