THE DIARY GAME: 25 February 2024 | 📝 Shab e-Barat

in Hot News Community4 months ago

Hello friends,
How are you all?


Welcome to my blogging! I am Mohammad Sumon, I am from Dhaka district, the capital of Bangladesh. I'm here today with a diary game post.

Shab e-Barat

Today is Sunday!

First of all, I'm sorry. I am not able to continue posting on this platform regularly due to a physical illness. I have an infection in my left eye, for which I have to see the doctor constantly. And because of this, I am somewhat out of this platform and all kinds of personal work.


Rainy weather this morning

Today's weather was somewhat gloomy. I woke up fresh, had breakfast, and left for the office. For the past few days, I have been going to the office regularly on my colleague's motorcycle. The weather looked like it would start raining soon.

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Prescription for first doctor visit

I entered the office and worked for a while. At approximately 11 am I left the office to see the doctor. I went to Agargaon Lions Eye Hospital to see a doctor. After reviewing the condition of the eyes, the doctor prescribed me some medicine and also advised me. If for some reason the problem is not solved by medicine then surgery may be required. However, after discussing with the doctor, I purchased emergency medicine from the hospital pharmacy.

Doctor Visit - 2nd Time.jpg

New prescription after seeing the doctor today

I called my wife and told her that I saw the doctor. Since today is a holy day, I asked my wife to prepare a little more special food at home than on other days. However, I came back to the office and started working. My work productivity was less than usual due to eye pain.


I am suffering from 'Chalazion' problem in my left eye

I am not able to pray regularly as I work in Bangladesh Post Office. Had lunch on time. After eating and walking for a while, I resumed work.


Me in the selfie

I have collected and shared a hadith about Shabbat Barat below:

There is a Hadith Sharif: "Narrated by Hazrat Mu'adh Ibn Jabal (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, Allah Ta'ala looks at the creation on the night of Ardsha'ban and forgives everyone except polytheists and haters." (Ibn Hibban: 5665; Ibn Majah: 1390; Razin: 2048; Ibn Khuzaima, Kitabut Tawheed, page 136; Musnad Ahmad, Vol. IV, page 176).

However, I finished all the office work and reporting and left home.

On the occasion of the holy Shabbat Barat, a good meal has been arranged in our house today, Mashallah. I returned home from the office and had a light meal. I left home preparing for Namaz and called all my friends to come to the mosque for Namaz so we can meet.


Special arrangement for us at friend Shamim's house

After the prayer, we were listening to the important speech of the imam of the mosque. After praying, I went to my close friend Shamim's house on his invitation. He was arranging something for us at his house. All my friends ate together for miles! Alhamdulillah, the food was very tasty. After eating and saying goodbye to Aunty, we came out.


About Me



◦•●◉✿ Thank you very much ✿◉●•◦

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