Contest || Education system of pakistan

in Hot News Community10 months ago (edited)
Assalam -o- Alaikum !

Dear brothers and sisters how are you ? I hope everyone is well by the grace of Allah . I am also perfect by the grace of Allah . Today i want to take participate in Contest || Education system of pakistan . This contest is organized in Hot News Community by @cryptoloover . I am ready to participate in this contest . So lets start the topic .



Tell me about the education system of your country.

Primary , secondary , and higher education are the different stages of the Pakistani educational system . Children at the ages of 5 to 16 are required to read in primary leval . But due to many reasons many kids continue to skip school .

Secondary education normally lasts two years and comes after primary education . Students can then pursue higher education at colleges or universities after that . Numerous colleges and universities in Pakistan provide a wide range of curricula .

The level of schooling varies by region , with more resources available in cities . There are issues like gender inequity and a lack of resources . To ensure high-quality education for everyone the government is making efforts to enhance the system but there is still much work to be done .

Is there any special institute or organisation which is working for the welfare of mankind?

Pakistan has a number of organizations devoted to promoting human welfare . The Edhi Foundation is one prominent organisation . Abdul Sattar Edhi started it and it get wasted due to need with time . They offer those who are less fortunate access to healthcare , education , and emergency services .

Imran Khan also founded Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre . Which provides many people with free cancer treatment . To carry out their job these organizations rely on donations and volunteers , demonstrating the generosity and compassion of Pakistanis toward assisting others .

Do you think your education system need improvements?



Pakistan's educational system might use some adjustments . Many schools are underequipped in terms of resources , staff , and facilities . This has an impact on students' possibilities and the standard of education . Making education more accessible is also necessary , especially in rural regions . Cultural conventions frequently place impediments in the way of girls' education .

Addressing these issues , making improvements to the infrastructure , properly preparing instructors , and promoting fair educational opportunities for all are crucial . Pakistan can ensure that its educational system better prepares students for the future and advances the nation by implementing these changes .

Thank you


Bundles of thanks to you for taking the time to read my post, and I sincerely hope that my creative insights will be enjoyed by everyone here.



@neelofar from Pakistan


 10 months ago 

Excellent,You have given a very good statement about the educational system of Pakistan.There is an edhy foundation system in Pakistan which is benefiting the people. Best of luck.

Thank you @mubasherali for your comment and appreciation. Best wishes for you

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