Steemit Engagement Challenge |S5-W2| My Home Sweet Home

in Hot News Community2 years ago


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My house type is single storied and open. One-storied, two-storied and three-storied houses are those house types which are the most common in Pakistan. About 90 percent of the houses in our area are double story or single story.


Image of my home from outside | Clicked by @malikusman1

If we talk about the big cities of Pakistan, there are different types of houses like bungalows, big houses and many other types. But if we talk about small areas, there are majority of houses like mine.


I have a lot of parts of my house that I will explain one by one. I have a guest room in my house where I meet my friends or guests. A little further is a large open space where I play.

Apart from that, two rooms are downstairs and two room is upstairs in my house which means that there are total four rooms in my house. There are three washrooms in my house where I take a bath and freshen up.

I also have a kitchen in my house where we cook. Also, I have a huge terrace above my house where I enjoy in the evenings. So these are the parts of my house that are usually in every house.


The unique thing about my home is that it is very open and other unique thing about it is that it has two doors and I can go through either door at any time. One of its doors is in our street and its back door is close to the road, which saves me a lot of time when I go from the back door.


The foundation of this house was taken ten years ago by my father from his hands in the year 2013. I still remember when I was very young and I was about a fifth grader when we built this house. It took us about five to six months to build this house and after that it was successfully constructed.


My favorite room in my house is on the roof, I love it so much. There is no noise in this room and I feel the most relaxed in this room in my whole house.

This room is equipped with all the amenities, it has a big window, a fan, and many other things that make me crazy about it. I love it because my family made this room especially for me.

I also like this room because when I'm in down rooms, my family keeps asking me to work because of that I can't do my school work and it's hard for me. But when I'm in the upstairs room, I work just fine because no one disturbs me at there.

I spend most of the time in my house in this room and I also do my steemit work in this room, besides I do my University work and many other things in this room. I sleep in the room at night.


Protecting the home is our first duty and we must pay special attention to the cleanliness of the place where we live. Everyone wants their home to look good so that people appreciate it.


Image of my home from outside | Clicked by @malikusman1

Because cleanliness is half faith, I also take good care of my house. when my day off from university and I spend the whole day cleaning and maintaining my house. The first thing I do on a day off is wash my house thoroughly with water and then vacuum.

Also, every year on the days of Eid, I paint my house and do all the small chores to make it beautiful. I plan to plant a small garden in my house in the coming days which will make my house more beautiful. I also have a house worker in my house who comes daily and takes care of its maintenance and cleanliness.

I am inviting my friends @wase1234, @fjjrg and @chant to take part in this contest.




 2 years ago 
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Thank you for sharing information and stories to all of us in the Hot News Community. Having a room on the roof is very nice with a great view. Good luck to you.
 2 years ago 

Thank you for the review sir @alee75, yes you are right that having room on the roof has its own fun.

 2 years ago 

Hermosa su casa amigo y con una xcelente arquitectura, wooaaoo, construida por su papa? extraordinario de verdad. Esto me parecio muy interesante:

Mi tipo de casa es de una sola planta y abierta. Las casas de uno, dos y tres pisos son los tipos de casas más comunes en Pakistán. Alrededor del 90 por ciento de las casas en nuestra área son de dos pisos o de un solo piso.

Ojala en mi país ,se pudiera decir lo mismo.

 2 years ago 

Thank you my dear friend for appriciating my house, yes it was buit by my father. I am very happy that you comment on my post.

 2 years ago 

Wow. You have a room on the second floor. And that's a lot of fun. I like the rooms on the second floor. And of course imagination can fly freely there. Your family really supports your creativity.

And I agree with your statement that cleanliness is part of faith. A clean room will make anyone comfortable in it. Good luck for the contest.

 2 years ago 

Yes friend your all talks are right, thanks for your agreement with my statement that cleanliness is the part of faith. I am very happy that you always comment on my post. Thank you sister.

 2 years ago 

Hi,I'm glad you have that space inside the house that you like so much,we always need that quietness too,to be relaxed and calm,although we love our homes and family,sometimes they become very noisy and we need privacy.

The more hygiene there is at home the more protected everyone will certainly be, it was nice to learn a little more about you.

 2 years ago 

Yes, the space that we like in our houses is very special place for all of us. Thank you for visiting my post dear friend @marito74 as well as your important comment.

 2 years ago 

Hi teman..
Aku suka bagian yang membuat rumah mu unik yaitu pintunya..itu terlihat sangat menguntungkan saat kita beraktivitas. Warna pintunya juga cantik, apakah pintu nya terbuat dari bahan kayu??

 2 years ago (edited)

My dear friend, the color of this door is very beautiful, no this door is not a wooden door it is made of iron it is painted brown. Thank you for the comment dear indonesian sisiter @sailawana.

 2 years ago 

From the fence the house looks very good, surely you have a dream house that is as good as your current residence,
Decor with a classic style usually never goes out of style, besides that love and warmth are always the main things to make a house my castle,
Good luck to you👍

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear @liasteem your precious visit as well as your important comment. Yes, love and warmth are very important things to make a house my castle.

 2 years ago 

You are welcome my friend 👍👍👍

 2 years ago 

Very nicely written and presented. Every home is not a haven for everyone. It is a place of peace for every human being.✌️🙋‍♂️

 2 years ago 

Thank you brother @mostofajaman for visiting here, there is no doubt that home is a place of peace for every human being. Greetings and blessings.

 2 years ago 

Your house looks very clean and tidy, the design is also very beautiful, just as you said, cleanliness is part of faith, and you are not just talking, it is evident from how beautiful and clean your house is

Good luck, sir

 2 years ago 

Thank you chopper brother for you beautiful comment, I appriciate it.

 2 years ago 

With pleasure sir🙏😊

 2 years ago 

Your post is presented in a very nice way. I like your house very well decorated and very nice. The gate of your house has been very nice too. Good luck to you Thank you, for sharing your beautiful post with us.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your valuable comment, It means a lot for me.

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