Travel contest 6th edition || Things I Learned While Traveling To Work In Malaysia

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago

10% reward support to @hive-111293

Good night to all Steemian friends! Wherever you are all I hope you are all in good health. In this post I want to try to take part in a Contest organized by the Steem Travelers Community about the 6th Travel contest. In this contest I will try to explain about a journey when I went abroad to work in Malaysia, so here I will explain the things I learned while working in Malaysia and how the difference between working in Malaysia and Indonesia is the country where I live.


However, this story has happened about 7 years ago and in 2014. However, this is a long journey that I have taken in my life, and also on this journey I have learned a lot of new knowledge and also got a lot of happiness in my life. Even though I was only in Malaysia for 2 years, but there I really found great happiness and also found a very big difference with Indonesia, especially the difference in the work area.

I see that in Malaysia everyone has a job, even though I am a newcomer there, but I can also find a good job and a big salary. Then there they also don't make it difficult for us to find work, as long as we have the intention of wanting to work it doesn't matter even though we don't have a diploma, the important thing is that we want to study and want to work diligently, we can start to go to work. But in Indonesia, it's not like getting a big salary, just looking for a job is very difficult for us to find, so there are a lot of people and young people who don't have jobs here.


So do not be surprised if in Indonesia the poverty rate of the population is higher than other countries. Then the second I also learned that the cost of living in Malaysia is cheaper than Indonesia. As an example, I see the price of meat in Malaysia is very cheap, and all people there can eat meat every day, but in Indonesia the price of meat is very expensive and people here are very difficult to buy meat. It could be said that they rarely eat meat, maybe up to once a month they eat meat or even more and some just wait for certain days to eat meat.

Then the third I saw all the people there have a life that is self-sufficient in everything. Because their cost of living is cheap and everything is affordable with the salary they get from their work. I, as an immigrant, can also enjoy a happier life there compared to the country where I live, because there the money I get every day is more than enough for my living expenses and even then I don't need to be frugal. Then every month I can also send money to the village for my parents' living expenses.


So it can be said that I still remember my trip to Malaysia for work until now, because on that trip I really got a lot of differences and new knowledge. And on that trip, I also found happiness in life that I had never felt before, but when I returned to Indonesia, all that happiness had disappeared in my life. Because now I don't have a good job in Indonesia, and now I only work as a furniture maker whose salary is very little and not enough for living expenses.

So I always miss my trip to Malaysia which I will never forget, if there is still a chance now I really want to go back to work in Malaysia. Because there I can really enjoy a life filled with lots of happiness. Alright, this is what I can share for this post, hopefully it can be useful for all of you, please comment below if you have any questions. Thank you...!

I also invite some of my friends to take part in the Travel Contest organized by the Steem Travelers Community, come on @eriionata, @mujibrahman, @wantimaulidar, @sarahraudhah, @bangmus and @hidayat96 it's time to share about your travel.

About Me

Regards @muklis90

 3 years ago 


Thank you for sharing that amazing publication. We enjoyed reading it a lot!

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 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for the information, in the future I will continue to do Power Up so that I can become a successful Steemian in the future. Previously, it wasn't that I didn't do Power Ups, but now I don't have a job so I sell all of the Steem to pay for my needs and my family. Once again thank you very much and I will fight to be able to do Power Up in the future...

 3 years ago 

I hope someday you can come back to Malaysia, Thank you for your participation!

This post is plagiarism-free!

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for the kind prayers, may God hear your prayers. I wish you even more success in the future...

I learnt a lot about your country too. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice day! 💐

Much love from #malaysia

 3 years ago 

Yes, I really love Malaysia. Thank you and have a nice day too

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